Page 29 of Blue Skies

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Greg:Love you, too.

He turned his phone off and put it back in the center console, then returned to staring out the window. His emotions were right on the surface, and Greg felt too raw, too exposed to show them to Holden. But then, he realized, he was being an idiot. If there was any future between him and the man sitting beside him, he was going to have to let Holden in. He was going to have to show his vulnerable side, the part of himself that recoiled in fear because of Wes’s betrayal and Mason’s anger and left a chasm in his heart no one had been able to bridge. Far beyond his admissions of being HIV positive and ace, letting himself be emotionally vulnerable with Holden was going to be an act of faith and courage.

Greg turned to face him and felt something he hadn’t felt in a long time: a willingness to try. Even if it blew up in his face, he couldn’t fathom walking away without getting a chance to know Holden better.

Greg’sparents’placewasn’tin Aspen proper but in one of the outlying towns along Route 82. His grandfather had bought the land to use as a small cattle ranch in the early 1950s just before Aspen became a premier ski destination. He’d held on to it fiercely as he watched the area boom and land prices skyrocket. Of the original two hundred acres, Greg’s father inherited one hundred and ninety five. When he and Rose decided to turn the ranch into an inn, they sold off ten acres and used the sizeable chunk of money to renovate and expand the farmhouse as well as construct four vacation cottages without taking out an enormous loan. They’d contracted with a day spa and brought in a farm-to-table chef to partner with for their restaurant, Chaparral. In the time since they’d opened, they’d added another two cottages and were building a third as well as drawing up plans for an annex with luxury suites.

High Valley Ranch and Resort was not a quaint inn or B and B by any definition, and Greg was proud of how his parents had made their dream a reality while still preserving the haven it had been for him and the rest of his family. He was eager to see how Holden reacted to the place as they turned off the main road and passed beneath the iron archway proclaiming the property’s name and welcoming visitors to this Rocky Mountain oasis.

The main building came into view about a mile down the road, and Greg grinned as Holden slowed the SUV to a stop.

“That’s not what I expected,” he said, and Greg laughed.

Although the outlines of the original 1890s farmhouse were still visible, the exterior had been transformed with a more contemporary façade that perfectly melded the building’s origins with its current function as a luxury destination. Adobe walls combined with glass and brushed copper to create a structure that was at once striking and also completely in harmony with its surroundings.

“I had a feeling it wouldn’t be,” Greg said. “Mom and Dad put a lot of effort into creating something that was in keeping with the level of accommodations people could get in Aspen but still honored the property’s history as a working ranch.”

Holden started the SUV moving forward again. “Here I am thinking we’re going to be in one of those Victorian places where everything’s dripping with lace doilies and pictures of cats.” He shook his head as they pulled up underneath the portico and put the vehicle in park. “I guess I just have to get used to the idea that nothing is like I think it’s going to be where you’re concerned.”

The comment caused Greg’s breath to catch in his chest, and he turned to face Holden. “Is that a good thing?”

Holden’s eyes were glowing again, that deep simmer of heat rising to the surface. He reached out and took hold of Greg’s hand, bringing it to his lips. “It’s a very good thing,” he said and let go.

They came to a stop under the entrance portico, and Holden turned off the engine. Without hesitation, he swung open the driver’s door and hopped out. Greg was still too stunned to follow suit, but that was fine because it gave Holden time to come around to his door and open it for him.

“Allow me.”

Holden held out his hand to help Greg out of the SUV. Not that he needed it. But it felt nice, chivalrous even, to have Holden take care of him in this small way. And when Holden didn’t let go as they climbed the stairs to the entrance? Yeah, that also did some nice things to Greg’s insides as well as his brain.

They stepped into the reception area, and Greg found himself immediately swept into his mother’s arms. She stood five foot four in her stocking feet but easily engulfed Greg despite his height. He wrapped his arms around her, enjoying the love that emanated from her.

“It’s been too long since you’ve been home,” she said and pulled him tighter.

“Yeah,” Greg agreed. This might not be where he’d grown up, but it was definitely the place he called home because this was where his family was.

They held on to each other until Greg’s mother laughed and pulled away to wipe at her eyes, waving her hand at him when he tried to hug her again. “Don’t mind me. You know how I get.”

Greg laughed, then turned to Holden and mock whispered, “She cries at commercials.”

Rose gave Greg’s shoulder a playful swipe. “And who cries at the end ofBabe?” She faced Holden. “Every. Single. Time.”


“What? Are you saying you don’t?” She flashed him a wicked grin, and Greg knew she was about to reveal more embarrassing secrets.

“Don’t. You. Dare.”

Holden was doing his best to control his enjoyment, Greg could tell, but he needed to derail this, or else his mother was going to pull out the photo albums so she could show off Greg in all his awkward stages of development.

“Mom, this is Holden Mercer, the man who saved me from sleeping in the airport for the past two nights.” Greg motioned from Holden to his mother. “Holden, this is my mother, Rose Sullivan.”

Ever the gentleman, Holden stepped forward and held out his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Sullivan.”

Rose took his hand and pulled him into her arms. “We’re not so formal out here. Give me a hug and call me Rose.”

At first, Holden seemed to resist, but Greg watched his mother’s warmth ease the stiffness in his posture as he relaxed into her embrace. When they parted, he seemed to breathe a little easier, too. Greg knew exactly how that felt because being home did the same thing for him. It happened with his parents’ guests as well, from harried families on vacation to business executives who used High Valley Ranch for corporate retreats. Rose’s charm was a big part of his parents’ success; that and her business sense coupled with his father’s experience in the hospitality industry.

“Where’s Dad?” Greg asked.
