Page 14 of Auctioned Mate

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“I am.”

I could have choked myself. Why the hell was I being honest with him? It wasn’t like he was going to be nice once we left this room. He was probably just putting up a front—a damn good one, honestly.

After a moment of silence, I pointed to one of the water bottles. He obliged without question and resumed his stance away from me. Why wasn’t he feeling me up yet or hitting on me? Goddess, the way the quiet continued made me want to crawl into myself and hide. It was like the longer I sat in his presence, the more exposed I became.

I guess that’s how it feels when you’re trafficked, I thought. I cracked open the bottle, sniffed it, and then took a sip.Please, don’t let this be drugged.

I froze. Wait a second, that had been my entire reasoning about refusing a drink a moment ago. I hadn’t been shy about admitting it then, that I suspected him of wanting to drug me. Yet here I was drinking something he had handed me, something I had freely requested.

“Just what kind of magic are you doing?” I snapped angrily. “Do you think I’m really that weak that you have to put spells on me?”

He exposed his palms. “I would never do magic on anyone unless it was absolutely necessary.”

“What kind of angel does magic?”

“I look like an angel to you.”

The way he stated it made me shudder. For a second, I thought the ceiling would burst open, that the mirror above would shatter, and glass would rain all around me. That was how powerful that minor statement felt to me. Surprise lingered in the room as though his voice had carried with it a certain magic in its own right.

He shook his head. “No matter my appearance to you, my lady, I mean you no harm. My name is Juriah. I’m here to rescue you.”

I stared at him for a long time. Goddess, it must have been centuries that passed with how long I gaped at the man standing there with his hands up like he’d been caught stealing. Christ, was he serious? Did the bottle really contain drugs?

And then I just laughed. “Do I really look that weak to you?”

“I’m as serious as one can be in this realm, my lady,” he insisted. “I have a plan set. I’m going to get you out of here.”

“And this?” Chuckles lingered in my voice. “You really think you can break this charm without them knowing about it?”

He smiled, the shadows in his face growing more striking as his cheekbones were highlighted. “You think that little thing will stop me?”

“You scare me.”

I slapped my hand over my mouth. Sheesh, when would I quit blurting things out around this Juriah fella? It wasn’t like he was telling me the truth. Energy resonated in his eyes as he appeared to tower over me—without so much as moving an inch in my direction.

“I would hope not, dear lady,” he whispered as though our secrets were sacred, as if this meeting were itself a sacred thing. “My intention is to provide a retreat and temporary shelter. Nothing more.”

The smile never faded from his eyes despite his mouth drooping slightly. Something about him felt safe—yet dangerous at the same time. Maybe it was the fact that he was much older than me. Maybe it was the magic he performed. Maybe it was how he presented himself as safe and friendly.

Feelings aside, I had to ensure my escape. Which meant I had to do the things that had gotten me this far.

My smile reappeared with more lust attached to it than ever. Every man had a weak spot—even men from other planes. “Be honest with me, darling. Don’t you want more than that?”

I traced the blouse of my dress, tugging his attention right to my tits with ease. Without much effort, a gasp drifted from my lips, so light and faint that only someone paying extra close attention would have caught it.

And given how his bulge twitched, I’d say he definitely picked up on the sound.

“Is that what you want?” he asked, his voice having dropped to a raspy baritone. His eyes snapped up to mine. “Do you lust for me?”

A shiver trickled from the top of my head to my toes. Just when I thought I had turned the tables around, he flipped them right back, taking me for a spin with his eyes and his eyes alone. Lifetimes bloomed and passed while I stared into those golden pools, trying to resist the way he smelled, trying not to wonder how he tasted.

Did his lips carry the same floral odor? What about his arms? Good goddess, how long had it been since I had a decent lay under my belt?

Irritation, then anger, then full-blown indignation blossomed as easily as desire. And just like that, I was on my aching feet with my finger in his face and my whole body shaking with rage. “Now listen to me, mister. Some angelic fucker who thinks magic is some flimsy secondhand thing done around here isn’t going to askmea question like that without—”

His finger pressed to my lips.

