Page 27 of Auctioned Mate

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While another snore cut through my morning reflection, I looked at the curtainless window, watching the streams of light filtering through the perfectly clear glass. Good goddess, nobody ever cleaned things at my old compound. If Rick had considered cleaning his home, it wasn’t in the last century. That was how much dust had accumulated in there.

Percy, on the other hand, hired people to do his cleaning—and his bidding, and his killing, and his chasing. On the off occasion he personally saw to something, it was typically because it was, to him, very personal.

That’s gonna be me, I thought.He’s gonna come after me, and Rick too.

Fear crashed into my gut, turning me away from the window to face the door. Another sharp snort sliced through the wood, making my eyebrows rise. And here I thought Izdor and Galanthia were the ones who snored. Juriah never mentioned snoring.

He also never mentioned sleeping right outside the office.

Did he think I was going to steal something?

More fear lurked beyond the shadows of my ever-increasing doubt.

He thought I was going to escape.

I should have known better than to sleep with my captor. I also should have known better than to think he would treat me any different than anyone else. He’d pitched his bid on my head and won—withfakemoney. If this place was anything like Baneridge, then I was in for being sold all over again. Or kept as a masturbation sleeve.

My thighs twitched as my insides throbbed. Goddess, he had beenmassive. I’d never seen a cock that huge in my life. Porn would have been a fantastic career for Juriah if he was into that sort of thing. I mean, it didn’t really seem like he needed the money. This cabin was gorgeous, freshly built with new coats of paint, new furniture, and clean carpet.

The whole place felt like a home. Which only made it feel more like a prison for me.

Silverdawn wolves were popular around Wolfcreek. Between their leader and their people, they had a huge stake in this town. Although by what I gathered after we landed, it appeared that Silverdawn had its own municipality. They probably had jurisdiction inside these walls—if there were walls.

Are there walls around this place? Is it a fortress?My mind raced with more and more thoughts.I didn’t see much from the sky because I was too busy shoving my face into Juriah’s side.

Flying wasn’t exactly my favorite thing to do on an empty stomach.

My gut gurgled at the thought of food. Oh, I’d give just about anything for something spectacular right now, but I also didn’t want to drink the Kool-Aid. Who knew what they had cooking up around here? They were full of kindness and smiles, but Percy had acted the same way in the beginning.

For all I knew, this was the start of a long stint in an underground slave ring.

Juriah groaned. It resembled the way he’d sounded when he was on top of me. The way his hands had gripped my rolls, clutched my bottom, and traced my curves had been far more celebratory than anyone else. Most men would have just pounded out a nut and gone away.

But not Juriah. He’d gone down on me as soon as I thought about it, completely dedicated to my pleasure. Another wave of arousal slithered from my shoulders through my core, and I ended up squeezing my legs together. I wanted him so badly right now. I wanted him more than I wanted breakfast.

I closed my eyes.Don’t trust him, Macy. He’s probably just using you. Just like everyone else you’ve ever met.

Movement came from the other side of the door. Shortly after that, the scent of crisp bacon floated into my nostrils, coaxing me right off the cot. I abandoned the warm comfort of my makeshift bed and fled into the hallway, scooting right into the bathroom without peeking into the living room. Once I was washed up, I sidled into the hallway while listening intently to the sounds of the cabin.

Pans clanged in the kitchen. Bacon sizzled on the stove. Some light conversation drifted from around the corner, sounding so damn foreign to me. I paused in the living room, feeling like this wasn’t possibly the place I had walked into last night. It was too bright, too cozy. How did people live like this?

“Ah, she’s awake.” Galanthia appeared from around the corner wearing a sunny smile. She held up a pan. “Do you like your eggs scrambled? Do you like eggs at all?”

I rubbed my arm while avoiding her gaze. “I’m fine.”

Izdor poked his head out from the kitchen. “No, you’re not fine. We all heard your stomach about five minutes ago.”

Juriah hissed, and then he said something in a language I didn’t understand.

Izdor grinned sheepishly and shrugged. “Sorry, I was just being honest.”

Galanthia whacked his shoulder. “The girl has been through enough. Would you quit being so strange?”

“It’s fine. Really,” I insisted, but I was met with more stern denial of my announcement. It seemed like I was getting eggs whether I actually liked them or not.

And part of me felt really good about that.

Timidness followed me to the table as Juriah, Galanthia, and Izdor went back to preparing breakfast. Unexpected feelings of warmth settled into my bones as I watched them move around, their motions appearing coordinated as they shared pans, chopped vegetables, and wiped various areas of the counter.
