Page 52 of Auctioned Mate

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Juriah squeezed my hand. “Isn’t that right, honey?”

“What?” I let my eyelids droop and smacked my lips a few times. At this point, I was mimicking what I’d seen on cable television. “What did you say? Harold, I can’t hear you.”

“I said, we’ve been married for thirty years.”

My face lit up. “Yes, we have been. And yet I can’t get him to turn off the damn news when I need him to pick up a broom.”

Percy forced a laugh, his eyes piercing me as he said, “Men can be fickle like that, ma’am.”

I didn’t like the way he looked at me. I didn’t like it at all. I hung on to Juriah for dear life, trying to find a good grounding spot that wouldn’t give me away. Sure, these glamors were fantastic, but where were Izdor and Etta? Why hadn’t they appeared?

Were we about to get killed?

“You’ll understand if we search the outside of your car, right?” Percy smiled like a cat who was about to pounce. “It’s just standard procedure.”

“Is that woman alright?” I pointed to the car ahead of us. “I saw her get into that car. Is she okay? Boy, those heels were something. I wouldn’t be able to keep my damn balance!”

Rick and Percy exchanged glances.Shit, I’d said too much, hadn’t I? I just had to take my personality way out into left field—so far that it was unbelievable.

Or maybe it was too believable.

Percy chuckled and broke his staring match with Rick. “I’m sure you were a killer in heels back in the day… What was your name again, sweetheart?”

I gave him a charming smile while cursing him to hell in my head. “Martha.”

“Martha,” he repeated slowly. “Never quite met a gal with a name like Martha.”

“Mama named me after her, and she was named after Granny. That’s our family.”

Percy squinted. “Interesting.”

Yep, I’d said too much, and he was about to shoot us to pieces. Rick knocked against the truck, making me squawk in a way that was so frightening I had to keep clinging to Juriah to keep myself from giving up the ruse.

“Would you cut that out, young man?” I griped. “You’re going to chip the paint!”

Rick rolled his eyes. “Paint’s already peeling, old woman.”

Percy clicked his tongue a few times. “Now Rick, is that any way to speak to alady?”

My heart flared to life in my chest. We’d been found out. Percy was toying with us. Rick didn’t seem to have a clue, but I knew my alpha—and I knew my alpha knewme. Juriah shot me a dashing grin that made his whole face glow, and I noticed his wings struggling to stay still under his shirt.

“Say, Martha, why don’t you get the map out of the glove box?” he asked. “That should tell us where the heck we ended up.”

“I want to know about the woman in the heels,” I complained. “Was she just doing some magic or something?”

Percy nodded. “She was just practicing her tricks.”

“So, the car is okay?” I feigned relief. “You sure know how to frighten an old lady to pieces.”

“Yes, a lady like you shouldn’t be frightened,” Percy agreed. “I wouldn’t want to do that on purpose. We had no idea you were…” His eyes roamed between us, shifting shadily. “We had no idea who you were.”

I faked irritation. “Well, who do I look like to you? The pope?”

Juriah cackled while I giggled between coughing fits. This was about to get a little too real a little too quickly. Because if that was a witch in that car, then surely she could peek through a couple of hasty glamors, right?

Percy nodded to Rick who nodded back. The two of them rounded the front of the truck, tapped on the hood, and then rounded the rear of the vehicle. They performed another series of taps back there, causing me to lean toward Juriah as innocently as I could.

“I’m scared,” I whispered. “I think he knows who I am.”
