Page 77 of Auctioned Mate

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“I’m sure there are a lot of places in the world that aren’t friendly to Elderlings.”

That hadn’t been the case in Paris. “Yeah, I’m definitely spoiled here.”

“What? Nonsense.” He set me on the bed and joined me, wrapping his limbs around me just the way he did when I was feeling insecure. “You’re treasured here.”

“We’re both spoiled. Wolfcreek gives us a lot of protection.” I pushed my hair out of my face. “Funny to think that I never felt safe here until recently.”

He kissed my nose. “I’m glad you feel safe, little wolf.”

Silence fell over us, a comfortable layer that made me shove my face into his bare chest. The scent of azaleas exploded inside me, and then I was revved up again, totally out of control with my emotions going wild. His chuckle rumbled through his chest.

That didn’t help either.

He rubbed my back, my shoulders, my sides. His hands went to my thighs and rubbed generously, turning me into putty within seconds. The dress I wore clung to my skin, giving him plenty of space to work his fingers, and he worked them wherever he could without going for the super hot spots.

Not yet, at least.

I played with his hair. He was growing it out a little bit. “I’m so used to surviving that sometimes I still expect chaos to explode out of nowhere.”

“I feel similarly sometimes. My experience with war has left me hollow.”

I rubbed his cheek. “But not with me, right?”

He smiled warmly. “No, little wolf. Never with you.”

“I never thought about it like that, but I guess my life has been a nonstop war.”

“That’s what it sounds like.”

I pursed my lips with irritation. “I mean, I don’t want to take away from your pain. I’m not trying to say that it’sexactlylike what you experienced—”

“I think your comparison makes me feel less alone.”

I stared into his eyes, noticing the way the pale honey color glimmered like gold whenever he was feeling intense emotions. I swept my thumbs over his cheekbones. I gave him love renewed, loving affection that trailed in shimmering lines wherever I touched.

“Really?” I whispered like it was a forbidden secret. “I thought I was being rude.”

“Ah, you’re not rude in the ways you think, little wolf. You make me feel like I’m supposed to be here.”

I chortled. “I don’t know. I don’t feel like I belong here sometimes.”

“But you do belong here.”

“This town has been…” I shrugged it off. “Well, you know how it’s been a mixed bag. Between the underground trafficking ring and Silverdawn, it’s been a wild ride. I’m not sure where I fit.”

He grinned while rubbing my thigh again. “You fit with me. You fit right here.”

“You mean here?”

I tucked myself deeper into him if that were possible. The way he welcomed me and expanded his arms just for me made it feel like I truly did fit with him. And why not? Fate had brought us together in the strangest of ways. We had climbed through several rings of hell just to get to this point.

We had bought a damn house in town, sheesh. We probably fit in more ways than I could think.

I just wished I could see all of them.

He leaned back so he could look at me. “Yeah, right here.”

“Right here,” I parroted. “Still waiting for the other shoe to drop.”
