Page 9 of Amon

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“Siding with us now?” Cable asked.

“Hardly.” Amon gripped the human’s jaw, looking deep into the man’s eyes. “You’ll forget what happened here tonight. You were attacked, and that’s why you’re bruised.” Amon licked the wound closed, ignoring the taste of blood on his tongue.

The guy nodded before he walked away.

“I don’t think it wise to let him walk away while he looks like a zombie,” Logan said. “Someone could take advantage of him.”

“Then babysit him,” Amon said. “I did my part.”

“What about the body?” Cable asked. “Just gonna leave it there?”

“Let the sun take care of it.” Amon walked away, knowing full well the wolf shifters would properly dispose of Desi. Although Amon had taken a depraved vampire off the street, he was still frustrated. That hadn’t eased his irritation in any way.

Trying to get laid hadn’t worked. Killing someone hadn’t worked, either. Amon had a feeling he was utterly fucked.

* * * *

The next morning, Sonny woke up feeling a buzz inside him. He was still processing everything Amon had said last night as well as the intense connection he felt with the vampire. It was a feeling he hadn’t felt in a long time. Amon really saw him, understood him in a way he didn’t even realize he had needed.

It was clear the vampire wanted more from him, but Sonny wasn’t sure he was ready for anything more than friendship.

After making breakfast for the mates, Sonny grabbed his list for the grocery store and headed out. The day was overcast, the sky gray with rain threatening to come at any moment. Sonny cursed. He hated running his errands in the rain, but there was nothing he could do about it.

He’d just turned a corner close to the grocery store when he saw lights flashing in his rearview mirror. “Now what?” Sonny gritted his teeth. This time he hadn’t done anything wrong.

When he pulled to the curb, so did the cop car. Sonny watched as Officer Slater got out and walked his way.

“What is this douche’s problem?” Sonny muttered.

He rolled his window down as light drops of rain hit his windshield. “Can I help you?” he asked.

The cop pulled out his pad and looked at Sonny. “You ran that red light.”

“I totally did not!” Sonny huffed. “I stopped then made a legal right turn.”

“Not the way I saw it, Mr. Hampton.”

The guy remembered his last name. A bad feeling settled in Sonny’s gut. He wanted to argue, but the way Slater was looking at him gave Sonny a bad vibe.

The guy wrote the ticket and handed it over.

“This is bullshit,” Sonny said, unable to keep his mouth shut, even though he knew he should.

“Bullshit?” A malicious grin spread across the bastard’s face. “Just pay the ticket, Mr. Hampton.”

There was something going on, but Sonny couldn’t figure out what. He’d never seen the officer before the first ticket and couldn’t understand why the guy had a grudge against him. “Have we met before?”

Slater’s smile widened before he walked away, getting into his cop car and pulling away. Sonny sat there dumbfounded. Had the two of them met before and Sonny had offended him in some way? He tried his hardest to think of where he could have met Slater, but he came up blank.

With a sigh, Sonny tossed the ticket on the passenger seat then thought better of it since Zach had seen the first one. Instead, he folded the paper up and stuffed it into his pocket before he drove away.

He would go online to pay them since he didn’t want to take a chance at running into Slater at the police station. Unfortunately, Sonny had a feeling he hadn’t seen the last of the prick.

* * * *

He was proven right three days later when he spotted a cop car four cars behind him. Sonny didn’t want to take a chance that Slater would pull him over for something imaginary, so he parked at a gas station and went inside. Sonny went down the first aisle, peeking over the shelf.

Sure enough, Officer Slater parked right next to Sonny’s car but didn’t get out. Sonny ducked down, wondering what he should do. It wasn’t as if he had any human friends he could call. Shayde would have a fit if Sonny called Zach. The vampire was very protective of his mate, and besides, what could Zach really do? Hide with Sonny?
