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“You wanna go swimming with Mama?” Jack asks Elizabeth, getting her even more excited.

As Eden climbs into the water, Jack sets Elizabeth down on the edge.

“Come on, baby. Mama will catch you,” she calls. We all watch with smiles, cheering Lizzie on as she launches herself fearlessly from the side of the boat. And just like she promised, Eden is there, arms outstretched and ready to catch her—every single time.

Rule #54: You were not meant to live by someone else’s rules.



Thirteen years later

“Yeah, I’m almost there. I can give you a call back later. After I tell her.”

“You’ve got this. Good luck.”

“Thanks,” I say with a chuckle just before the phone line goes dead.

Pulling up to the house, I feel my palms start to sweat. I park in front of the two-story in which I spent my teenage years. Once my youngest sister was born, it was clear our family of six wouldn’t fit in our little three-bedroom anymore.

Parking behind my dad’s Audi, I take a moment to compose myself before opening the door.

I can do this.

Iwantto do this.

Climbing out, I walk up to the front door, and even before I open it, I hear the very recognizable screech of my sisters fighting.

“Scarlett, stay out of my room!” Lizzie shrieks from her bedroom.

“I was never in your room,” Scarlett replies from down the upstairs hallway.

As I stand on the landing, I can’t help but laugh. I do not miss this.

“Girls!” Jade shouts from the kitchen. When she emerges to find me standing on the landing, her face lights up. “Jack’s home!” she shouts as she jogs up to wrap her arms around my neck.

“Hey, Mom,” I mumble as she squeezes my neck without letting go. Calling Jade Mom has been a somewhat interchangeable thing since she and my mom and Clay got married. Then when my sisters came around, it started to feel more natural. I know she loves it when I do, and since she’s by far the sweetest person in this house, I like to make her happy.

Her hugs seem to last forever, but I don’t mind. She has to stand on her tiptoes to hug me now. I shot up past her by the time I hit thirteen.

My littlest sister, Scarlett, comes barreling down the stairs but stops halfway while she waits for Jade to let go of my neck. Once she does, I turn to see her smiling at me as I put my hands on my hips.

“I can’t catch you anymore, Scarlett,” I say with a laugh.

“You can try!” she replies.

She’s still so small, taking after Mom, so when she launches herself off the middle stair, I catch her without falling over. This has been a tradition for as long as I can remember, but now that she’s twelve, I don’t think we can keep it up for much longer.

“I’ve missed you!” she says as I set her down on the landing.

“I’ve missed you too,” I reply with a hint of shame.

“You never come home anymore,” she whines.

From the top of the stairs, my sister Elizabeth adds, “Why would he, Scarlett? You’re so annoying when he does.”

“Elizabeth Nina Bradley!” Mom shouts from beside me. “Would you please be nice to your sister? And give your brother a hug. It’s Christmas.”
