Page 93 of Madame

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When she opens the front door for me, I’m struck speechless by the sight. With the heavy bags cutting off circulation to both of my arms, I’m staring at a version of Eden St. Claire that might be my new favorite. It’s even better than casual movie theater Eden.

Her long black hair is pulled into a loose, messy braid cascading over one shoulder. She’s wearing a dark-red hoodie and a pair of tight black leggings. Her eyes look so much brighter than normal, now a vivid green hue without those heavy lashes casting a shadow over them. Her full lips are not covered in color, and even with the dark circles under her eyes, she looks so stunning I can’t look away.

“Can I come in?” I ask.

She stares at me cautiously before letting out a heavy breath and stepping aside. As I walk into her house, I immediately notice how cozy and homey it is. It’s nothing like the home I grew up in. My childhood was spent in various penthouse suites across multiple cities, and there was never anything cozy about them. They were designed for taste and show, not comfort or living.

When I spot the kitchen down the hall and to the left, I carry the bags there and place them on the counter.

“You said you were getting Popsicles,” she says with her arms crossed, staring at the massive pile.

“Yeah, well…I figured while I was there, I might as well pick up a few more things.”

She picks up the boxes of medicine as I busy myself with emptying the bags. I notice her blinking down at them as she softly mumbles, “You didn’t have to do this.”

“I know I didn’t,” I reply.

She lifts her gaze, and I spot the moisture in her eyes. She looks so tired and beaten down that I’m suddenly acting on impulse. Before I know it, I’m gathering her into my arms, holding her in a warm embrace with her cheek resting against my chest.

We don’t say a word as I rub my hand in circles around her upper back. It takes her a few moments before she gives in and wraps her arms around my waist, letting me just hug her. I get the feeling she needs it.

“Thank you,” she whispers.

It occurs to me at this moment that for months I assumed Eden was letting people into her life but excluding me and me alone. It fueled my jealousy. But from what I know about her now, I realize that Eden doesn’t letanyoneinto her life. And she never accepts help.

My heart aches with the realization of how lonely she must be.

“Clay!” Jack’s small voice is scratchier than normal as he shouts in excitement from across the house.

Eden and I pull apart in a rush as I turn to find him sprinting toward me.

“Hey, buddy!” I reply as he launches himself into my arms. “I heard you’re not feeling well.”

“My head hurts,” he says with a sad grimace.

“I brought some medicine for that,” I reply, turning to grab the tablets the pharmacist suggested.

“What else did you bring me?” He eyes the groceries on the counter behind me.

I snatch the bag of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos and hold them up with a smile.

“Mom never lets me have these,” he replies excitedly.

“Well, if your mom says it’s okay, you can have a few, butonlyif you take your medicine.” I set him down on the floor and hold the bag out of his reach.

“I will. I promise!”

Jack and I both look at Eden at the same time, waiting for her approval. “Mom?” I plead, holding back a laugh.

“Please,” Jack begs with his hands clasped together.

With a smirk, she relents. “One small bowl, and youhaveto take your medicine at three.”

Jack cheers, bouncing on his feet in excitement. As she prepares his snack, he grabs my hand.

“You’re staying, right? We can watch a movie, and I can show you my room.”

Very carefully, I glance up at Eden. Our eyes meet in a loaded gaze. I can see her fighting the same battle I am—wanting something we know we shouldn’t want.
