Page 45 of Resisting Mr. Rich

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Two nights ago was the night of our fight. I thought Maddy caved easily when I went to apologize. I’d mentally prepared for another round of insults to be launched at me. Once she gets going, she lets loose. Although, I was no better. The way she looked at me fired up something inside me. I thought what we had was banter. But in her eyes, all I could see was pure hatred.

“She knows he’s not a saint though,” I say. “I mean after what—”

“She doesn’t know.”

“What?” I pace around the room, rubbing my chin with one hand as my grip on the phone tightens. “But you said—”

“I know. But I couldn’t tell her. She has a closer relationship with him than me. I didn’t know what it would do to her. I kept putting it off and…” His groan is heavy. “Fuck, then we get to now. When I have to tell her not only does Dad cheat on Mum like it’s an Olympic sport, but that he—”

“She deserves to know. You said you were going to tell her when you found out. How do you think she’s going to feel knowing you’ve known about this for—”

“I know,” Drew snaps. “Fuck, I know.” He sighs. “Sorry. I just… I’ll tell her, okay. When she gets home. She’s got enough to digest right now.”

I nod, helpless to the turmoil in my friend’s voice. Drew wants to protect Maddy. It’s what family does for one another. It’s what friends do.

“Just, look after her, yeah? She might not show it. But I know she’ll be thinking about Mum and Dad and stuff at home.”


Now I understand why Maddy hates me so much, or at least, I’m starting to.

“Thanks, man,” Drew says. “I know she’s safe with you.”

“Yeah.” I try and fail to clear my throat.

So safe that I got a fucking hard-on when she was wet and clinging to me in the bathroom. So safe that I told her that her curves are sexy as I fought not to imagine her naked tits pressed against my chest again. So safe that I took great delight in the way she shivered as I whispered in her ear to buy the damn panties. Panties that I spent my earlier shower thinking about, wondering what they’d look like on her.

“Yeah.” I don’t even bother trying to move the lump again. “She’s safe.”

“This is so amazing!” Maddy squeals.


I’ve never seen her excited about anything before. Her usual setting around me is a notch above hit me in the dick and one below rip my head off.

“Look at the stage.” She points over the balcony of the royal box, before gazing around in wonder at all the occupied seats below us.

I’ve got to hand it to Sterling Beaufort, this is impressive.

“Best view in the house. Royal box for the prince.” I grin.

Maddy looks at me and rolls her eyes. “Even the company can’t ruin tonight for me.” She turns back toward the stage and leans forward resting her arms on the low wall in front of us, then lets out a happy sigh. “It’s magical.”

My eyes skim over her. Her hair is tied up. There are a few loose tendrils slipping free, which she keeps tutting at, but she seems to have forgotten about them since we sat down in the royal box. And the green silk dress that hugs her curves is… hugging her curves.

I swallow, flexing and straightening my hands in and out of fists against my tuxedo pants as I spot a hint of black fabric peeking out above the neckline of her dress as she leans forward.

She’s wearing the bra. Which means she’s also wearing the black G-string. And perhaps the garter belt? My eyes drop to her legs and the thigh-high split in the dress.

Black silk.


I clear my throat, dragging my eyes away, but that fucker of a ball has taken up permanent residence near my vocal cords, making my voice deep and gravelly when I speak.

“Show’s about to start, Mads.”

The lights dim, and she looks at me, her eyes glittering with delight. A spotlight falls on the stage and music begins to play.
