Page 53 of Relentless

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But instead, I’ve been fighting them at every turn. Trying to keep my secrets along with everything Mav and I have been planning.

After cleaning up, I poke my head out of Reid’s bedroom and find an empty hallway.

Relief and disappointment war within me as I stare at the spot where JD was sleeping before.

He didn’t want to give up on me when I forced him to leave me alone. But he’s no longer here. But then that look he gave me before he slipped into his room last night was full of filthy promises and his desire to fight me as long as he could.

The truth is, just like last night, there won’t be much fighting necessary.

I can try and do the right thing as much as I want. But the second we’re close, the moment he touches me, kisses me, I lose my goddamn head.

My need for him is all-consuming. The way he plays my body gives me exactly what I crave. It’s too much to deny.

For so long, the only sex I’ve had has come in the form of selfish assholes who’ve only cared about getting off and then passing out. Suddenly having someone who cares, who seems to enjoy getting me off as much as he does himself is addictive.

I shake my head, trying to retain the sensible part of my brain as I descend the stairs.

Just like I suspected, the creaks are nowhere near as loud as they were last night. It’s amazing how different everything seems in the bright light of day.

More silence greets me as I hit the ground floor. I was expecting to be accosted by someone by now. Either growled at by Reid or teased by JD. Being here without either of them breathing down my neck is unnerving, to say the least.

Turning back on myself, I head toward the kitchen, telling myself that the promise of food and coffee is the reason I go there first. But really, it’s where I expect them both to be.

The scent of rich, dark coffee permeates the air. They’ve been here fairly recently so I can’t imagine they’ve gone too far.

But when I step into the vast room, I don’t find anyone waiting for me.

My brows pinch as I look around, assuming my eyes must be playing tricks on me. But they’re not on the couches, at the island, or in the kitchen.

Spinning around, I look back out into the hallway.

“Hello?” I call but get nothing but my echoed voice back.

Slowly, a slow smile curls at my lips.

Am I alone?

Truly alone in the king’s castle.

A weird kind of excitement explodes in my belly at the thought of the freedom I might have.

I wiggle my fingers and toes as a whole host of ideas about what I could do with this newfound freedom fills my mind. Obviously, breaking into the basement is the most pressing issue, but there are so many more opportunities here.

But first, I need carbs and caffeine.

Walking back into the kitchen, I begin opening cupboards and searching each one until I find the mugs.

“Could you be any more boring,” I mutter to myself when every single mug is black and the same style.

I mean, I know the owner of this castle has a stick shoved so far up his ass that I’m not sure it’s possible to pull out, but still, I thought everyone had at least one novelty mug. Clearly, Reid Harris is too good for that.

Plucking one of the mugs out, I place it under his beloved coffee machine and press a couple of buttons until it starts whirring to life. The sound of beans grinding fills my ears before the liquid gold begins to flow, flooding my nostrils with its rich scent.

My stomach growls in excitement, my lethargic muscles already getting excited about the hit that will give them a whole new lease on life.

But while the coffee is much needed, it’s not going to be enough.

Spinning around, I pull open both doors of the refrigerator and scan the shelves.

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