Page 7 of Relentless

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“Let’s go,” Reid barks, finally shoving his stubborn friend through the door and with one last loaded look, he closes me inside.

Slamming my hand over my mouth, I catch the loud sob that wants to erupt. The last thing I need is for them to hear me falling apart.

They’ve already seen way too much over the past few days. I’ve given them too much. More than I ever intended to. But I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. It’s Reid Harris. He gets whatever he sets his mind to. And if he wants me on my knees begging for mercy, then I should be prepared for that to happen.

Their footsteps move away before their deep booming voices float through the air.

“She shouldn’t be alone right now,” JD barks. “She nearly fucking died. You nearly fucking killed her.”

Killed me?

I squeeze my eyes closed, desperately trying to remember what happened after JD got me off in the hallway while they continue bickering beyond the door.

If the situation wasn’t so fucking dire, I might laugh at the way the big bad gangsters are squabbling like children.

Over a girl too.

No. Not a girl.


Eventually, the hallway falls silent and after a few more seconds, I figure that Reid won the argument because JD doesn’t come storming through my door, ignoring my demand for them to leave.

You were nothing more than a bet.

I don’t know why it hurts so much. It shouldn’t. All of this has been a game for far longer than I care to admit.

From the very moment Victor approached me and told me with absolute certainty that I was going to be working for him going forward, all of this has been a game.

Angrily, I wipe the wetness that’s spilling from my eyes before throwing the covers back.

Swinging my legs off the side of the bed, I groan in delight when my bare feet sink into thick, luxurious carpet.

Wiggling my toes, I slowly push to stand. The room spins around me, my entire body weak from my anaphylactic shock.

Reaching out, I use the wall for balance as I make my way toward the door that I hope hides the bathroom.

“Wow,” I breathe when I step inside.

Firstly, much like the bed, the space is colossal. I shouldn’t be surprised; this entire building is fucking massive. You could fit Mav’s cabin into less than a quarter of it. It’s bigger than any home I’ve ever seen in real life. It’s the kind of thing you usually see the wealthy living in on TV. It’s certainly not something anyone would expect in Harrow Creek.

But I guess a king does need a castle.

Makes me wonder why Victor never claimed it as his own as my feet touch the warm tiles that cover the bathroom floor.

This is a million miles from the cold, dank basement I’ve become accustomed to.

Much like the downstairs bathroom, the suite is black. The tiles are the darkest of grays. The only light accents are the chrome fittings. It’s stunning. It’s… Reid.

With my eyes locked on the massive shower, I move toward the toilet, trying to imagine what he looks like standing behind the glass screen, naked with water running over his body.

I do my business before moving to the sink. A single toothbrush sits there, taunting me with the promise of a fresh mouth.

There’s a cupboard beneath it but despite my best—okay, maybe not my best—efforts, I fail to figure out a way to open it.

“Fuck it,” I mutter. That jerk owes me.

Reaching out, I pluck his toothbrush from the holder and squirt a generous amount of toothpaste onto it.
