Page 99 of Relentless

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I frown, watching the man in question turn his attention back to the pan as if he didn’t just… what? Stick up for the enemy?

“Ignore him,” I whisper, although I think I’m too late because when I look back at Mav, he’s staring out the window at the view of the Creek below. “Looks better from up here, huh?” I mutter, remembering how I felt the first time I saw our hometown from this angle. It’s easy to forget about the corruption, the pain, and the nightmares that haunt this place when you’re no longer in the middle of it.

“Yeah,” he muses, wrapping his arm tighter around my waist and holding me close.

It might not be exactly what I want. But I’ll take it. I’ll take any little scrap of him he’s willing to give me.

Movement continues behind us, the scent of Reid’s cooking making both our stomachs growl, but we let it all pass us by as we soak up each other’s company.

There was a time not so long ago when I wasn’t sure if I’d ever get this again. Now that I have it, I want to embrace every second of it.

He might still be unwilling to cross the invisible line he drew between us five years ago, but that’s not the be-all and end-all. The relationship we’ve built, the connection. That is everything, and I never want to lose it.

“Dinner’s ready,” Reid says as the sun begins to sink behind the hill in the distance, casting everything in a burnt orange hue.

Twisting my fingers through Mav’s, I lead him to the table for admittedly the most awkward, dysfunctional family meal of my life. And considering the state of my family, that really is saying something.

But despite the tension surrounding us, the second Mav’s ass hits the chair, he begins shoveling food into his mouth, and he doesn’t stop until long after I’ve had my fill.

I’m pretty sure he has to hit some kind of world record of taco-eating because it is borderline obscene.

“Anyone would think you hadn’t been fed all week,” JD teases when Mav finally looks like he’s going to come up for air.

Mav looks up at the man opposite him, his expression is blank, but if looks could kill, I’m pretty sure the daggers shooting from his eyes would put JD six feet under.

“You were right, Doll. Reid does have one redeeming feature. Asshole can cook,” Mav says, finally turning to me. A shudder rips down my spine when he pulls a lock of my hair away from my cheek and tucks it behind my ear.

“Is there dessert?” I ask, trying not to get so lost in Mav’s eyes that I risk embarrassing myself by climbing into his lap.

“I have something in mind,” JD says, his voice giving away his lust-filled thoughts. “Once Reid has cleared the table, we can lay you out and—”

“The fuck did your last slave die of?” Reid barks, correctly assuming where JD was going with that little image he was painting, and thankfully, cuts him off. “There’s ice cream in the freezer if you want it,” he offers, collecting up some plates despite his previous words.

“Pfft, not exactly what I had in mind.”

“I’m going to bed,” Mav says, refusing to look at anyone as he releases my hand. He shoves his chair back and walks away from the table. “Enjoy your evening,” he mutters over his shoulder.

“Mav, wait,” I cry, jumping up and racing after him.

Wrapping my hand around his upper arm, I draw him to a stop.

“I’m coming with you,” I say quietly.

He sighs, his eyes locked on the wall ahead as he battles with whatever is going on in his head.

Exhaustion? Confusion? Anger?

It’s not until his eyes finally meet mine that I get my answer.

Jealousy. It’s so potent, I’m surprised his eyes aren’t glowing green.

“You mean, you don’t want to stay and offer yourself up as dessert?” he seethes through clenched teeth.

I know it’s his exhaustion, but still, the suggestion that I might want that more than I want to be with him after being apart for so long stings.

JD’s tongue is good, I can’t lie. But there’s no way I’d choose it over Mav right now. Not in a million years.

“No, I don’t,” I assure him, moving toward the stairs.
