Page 134 of Trust Me

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Eve shakes her head. With a mouth full of toast, she tells us that she called him.

“Did he say where he is?”

She gives a one shoulder shrug. “No. Just that he was busy. I told him I was back in Williamsport and I like it much better than my boarding school. Especially since I get to live with you all the time again.”

Her sweet smile warms my insides.

“Love you, Ladybug.”

Minutes later, it’s Kyle who’s doing the rushing for all three of us.

“What happened to ‘why’re you rushing her’?” I ask once we drop Eve off at Excelor and he orders the driver to find the quickest route as possible to Townsend Industries.

“We have back-to-back meetings this morning. You have a report due to the marketing team by the end of the day. And I have that fucking business dinner at the end of this week that I need to prepare for. I still can’t remember all of their names. I hate going into a meeting unprepared,” he gripes.

On instinct, I reach over and squeeze his hand. “You’re the most competent person I know. You’ll get it done.”

I don’t even think about the words as I say them. But a charged silence fills the space between us. Kyle’s eyes meet mine, searching for something. He flips his hand over and intertwines his fingers with mine.

After a beat, he drops his gaze to my hand and frowns. “Where your wedding rings?”

“In my bag. I don’t usually wear them in the office. You know that.”

“Wear them.”

I blink in surprise at the hardness his tone has taken on.

“I didn’t think you would want to draw attention to it. I mean, once people see me wearing a wedding ring, they’ll start asking questions.”

His sharp gaze meets mine again. “Put the wedding rings I bought you on your finger, Riley.” His tone brokers no argument.

“Where’syourring?” A strange desire to possess him overcomes me. If he wants me to wear the damn rings, I want the same in return. Even if this marriage isn’t real.

Kyle uses his free hand to root around his pocket. He pulls out the platinum gold band and slides it onto his left ring finger.

“Show me yours.”

“You don’t think I have them?” The offense is evident in my voice.

“Show me.”

I suck my teeth as I search my bag for the ring box I keep the rings in when not wearing them—which is most of the time.

“They’re right here,” I say as I thrust the ring box in his face. I start to open the box to put the rings on, but Kyle takes it from my hand. He removes both rings and then takes my left hand.

He looks me directly in the eyes and says, “Wear these every day. Don’t take them off again.” At the same time, he slowly slides the rings firmly in place on my ring finger.

The all-consuming possession in his steely gaze steals my breath.

Kyle doesn’t look away from me nor does he release my hand until we pull up to the underground garage. Only once he’s out of the car do I feel like I can breathe again.

Kyle gets out first and then extends his hand to me.

“We’re going to be late for our meeting,” he says, taking my hand. “Let’s go.”

“Controlling bastard,” I mumble as I let him lead us toward the elevator.

His only response is that cocky chuckle of his.
