Page 142 of Trust Me

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“I’m not scamming him, Wallace,” I say, trying to tamp down on my anger. “This isn’t a con.”

He lets out a laugh that rubs against every nerve ending in my body.

“Like hell it isn’t.” He pulls back. “You don’t have to be that way with me, sis. I know the real you.”

“The real me?”

He shrugs. “We were raised the same way. You can lie with the best of them—”

“That’s not what’s happening here,” I cut him off.

He blinks and looks me over.

“I’m serious, Wallace. I’m a legitimate businesswoman with my own company now. Kyle and I met when I started doing consulting work for Townsend Industries.”

No, that’s not the whole truth but I can’t tell my brother that. He’ll twist anything I tell him around to try to make it out to his benefit. And whenever my brother benefits, the people around him end up the losers. I refuse to let him hurt Kyle or Eve.

Wallace remains silent for a long while. Then he cocks his head to the side.

“You can’t be in love with him.” He huffs and lets out a laugh. “Please don’t tell me you married someone forlove.” He spits out the last word as if it’s contaminated.

“Wait.” He snaps. “You always did have … what did dad call it?” He snaps his fingers again. “A tender heart. You were soft on people,” he says with a roll of his eyes. “Maybe you do believe this is a love match. But I looked that family up. Word around town is Kyle Townsend is as ruthless in business as his father is. I knowhe’snot in love.”

I swallow the lump in my throat.

“Why wouldn’t he be?” I ask even though I know Kyle isn’t in love with me. That’s not the reason for this marriage. But Wallace doesn’t know the details.

He gives me a sly laugh. “Be serious, Ry-Ry. I’ve seen a few pictures of Kyle Townsend. He’s handsome and the son of a billionaire. Word is that he’s in line to be the next CEO once his dad retires.”

Wallace snaps at me like he’s just figured something big out.

“That’s probably what it is. You said you run a consulting firm, didn’t you?” He doesn’t wait for my response. “Yeah, he’s probably using whatever work you’re doing for him to further whatever business he’s got going on. Hell, I bet you even give him free consulting advice in bed and shit. No matter how we were raised, you make yourself an easy mark. All soft hearted and shit.”

“Shut up.”

Wallace holds up his hands. “Whatever. I’m just saying … you have to know you’re being used for whatever Kyle Townsend wants to get out of you. It’s common sense.” He looks around my place. “He lives here with you?”


He chuckles. “See? No rich man is going to live here. He won’t even let you into his real home. Probably keeps his real girlfriend there. Once he gets what he wants, he’ll serve you those divorce papers. He’s using you. He made you sign a prenup, right?”

“That’s none of your business. You haven’t once asked how Eve’s doing,” I remind him. Even with our history, I still find it astounding how selfish my brother is.

Truly like father like son.


“Eve. Your daughter.” I turn when the door opens behind me.

“Dad,” Eve gasps as she enters ahead of Kyle.

My stomach bottoms out because this is not how I wanted my husband to meet my brother. Hell, I never wanted them to meet.

* * *


As soon as I hear Eve blurt out that one word, my senses go on high alert. I can feel the tension in the room as we enter. I recognize Wallace Martin Jr. when I my gaze lands on him. He was part of the report my Uncle Brutus and the security team provided for me.
