Page 24 of Love Me

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I don’t think to ask what that’s all about. All of us that end up down here get something we need. For most of us, it’s a way to work out whatever bullshit the day has thrown our way.

Though the area where the cage is set up is dank and dark, the bathrooms and changing rooms are a complete contrast. The sparkling black tile is broken up by a white tile path that leads to the showers.

I shower in the steaming hot water and let it wash away the remaining tension. Twenty minutes later, I emerge from the changing rooms in an entirely different mood than when I first stepped into this room.

I can now go to Monique tempered, being the nice guy she needs. Not the animal with an uncontrollable anger.



“As you can see, the developer took their time with the new design. The sconces were carefully painted to give the historical look that this neighborhood is known for,” the real estate agent tells me.

Scanning the sconces, I frown. Though they look appealing, I instantly recognize that they will not give off enough lighting to illuminate the artwork I plan to hang on the walls.

“How much will it cost to replace them?” I ask.

Steve, the realtor for this building, raises an eyebrow. “Ms. Richmond, I assure you the sconces, along with all of the other additions to this space, are top quality.” He sounds too close to being dismissive for my liking.

“We know what looks best in this space.”

That comment causes me to cock my head to the side.

“Your clients will have no trouble with this office. In a building such as this one, the price you’d be paying is almost a steal.” He shrugs and holds out his hands if he’s just dropped his ace of spades.

“Is that right?” I ask slowly, looking around at the brick walls.

“It is.”

“Then why has this particular space remained unoccupied for the past six months?”

His eyes balloon briefly. He pushes out a deep breath. “My client is looking for the right renter for this space. Your office would fit beautifully here.”

“Gallery,” I correct.

“Right. Art gallery.”

With a slow nod, I add, “To be quite honest, for this neighborhood, the price isn’t all that great. Especially considering it looks like there’s some early mold over in the corner there.”

I point toward the ceiling in the far corner. “I suspect there’s some sort of water leak coming from the second floor bathroom. That would take at least a month, and who knows how many thousands of dollars to fix.”

I look back at the realtor. “I hope your client doesn’t expect that cost to come out of my pocket.”

His face turns red either from embarrassment or anger. Either way, I don’t care. I know this guy and his client are full of shit. I recognized the lackluster and shoddy renovation work as soon as I entered this place.

“I-I must have m-missed that,” he stutters out. “I will let him know. That, of course, will be taken into consideration when we talk about pricing.”

“Don’t bother,” a deep voice I know by heart states from behind him.

Steve startles and turns to come face to face with a pissed off looking Diego.

“Hey, you,” I call, drawing his attention to me. When his golden orbs land on me, a serene calmness washes over me. A peace I didn’t even realize I was lacking invades my bones. Despite nothing going the way I want it to today, I feel calmer because he’s here.

“C-Can I help you?” Steve inquires.

“Yes,” Diego answers abruptly, cutting him down with his glare.

Steve visibly shrinks back from the expression on my best friend’s face.
