Page 72 of Always Bayou

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“Well, none of them did this.” He lifted his hand and dragged the strap of her dress off her shoulder. He pressed his lips to the bare skin. “If they had, I would’ve stomped out here and smashed them in the face.”

A shiver went through her body. “Oh. Well, I probably would’ve kneed him in the nuts before you got here.”

“You feel like kneeing me in the nuts?” His voice husky and low.

She shook her head. “Not what I’m thinking about doing with your nuts, no.”

That surprised him, and for just a second he paused before chuckling. He kissed her shoulder again. “Nice.”


“Good answer. That will convince them.”

“Convince them of what?”

“That we’re actually here together.”

“No one can even hear what we’re saying.”

“No, but they can see the effect what we’re saying has on each of us.” He lifted his head and met her gaze. “They can absolutely tell that you’re turning me on. And vice versa.”

He stroked his hand over her shoulder where he’d just put his lips. “When you were dancing with the others, you’re smiling, your cheeks were a little pink—I assume they gave you compliments—and you were having fun.”

Her voice was breathless when she asked, “And now?”

“Now you have this pretty flush on your neck,” he said, running an index finger down the front of her throat, where she always got red when she was turned on. “Your smile is softer and more affectionate than just outright happy.” He lifted his hand and ran the pad of his thumb over her bottom lip. “And we’re hardly moving. This is a lot more about being up against each other than about the music or even where we are.”

Her breaths were coming a little more rapidly now. “And they’re all noticing?”

“The important people are. The ones who brought me here wanting a reaction.” He dragged his thumb over her lip again. “And they’re definitely seeing a reaction.”

Her eyes dropped to his mouth and Beau realized that he was playing with fire. He’d started this. This was all part of the show. But damn, it felt real.

“It’s probably helping that I’m thinking about the line earlier,” she admitted. “The thing about unzipping my dress and buying me coffee in the morning.”

“That one came easily to me.”


“I want to be sure that whatever we say to one another in front of other people gets repeated.”

She blinked. “Right. Paul might say something to Savannah.”

He nodded. But his gaze went to her lips too.

“But now…you have to spend the night,” she told him.

Those words sent a ripple of panic through him. “What?”

She nodded. “We all got rooms here at the hotel. We knew we’d be drinking, and that we shouldn’t drive home. We’re planning to get breakfast with a few people from out of town tomorrow before everyone leaves. So we have rooms. What you said to Paul means you have to spend the night with me.”



Becca watchedBeau process that information.

Yeah, he hadn’t known that.
