Page 73 of Always Bayou

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She knew that what he’d said to Paul had been part of the act. He had to act possessive and crazy about her. And she suspected that he’d intended for Paul to repeat his words to Savannah.

But now… they were kind of stuck.

Not that she minded.

His hand was hot and heavy on her lower back, and it made everything in her stomach and pelvis feel hot and heavy as well. Her nipples had been tight since he’d walked in and kissed her at the bar. Her pulse had been erratic since she’d seen him stalking toward her. And her panties had been wet since he’d kissed her.

Damn, he was convincing as a jealous boyfriend.

And he looked hot in a button-down shirt and jacket.

And he’d been sweet, gruff, possessive, sexy, and funny all at the same time.

Just like he had been when they’d been dating.

This was making it very difficult to remember that they were trying to get back on firm footing asfriends. And that this was really just one big game.

Honestly, if people were watching them and trying to figure out if they had feelings for one another, this would absolutely convince them.

“You’re staying here tonight?” he repeated dumbly.

She nodded. “You’re going to have to go upstairs with me. And stay. And take me for coffee in the morning.”

Suddenly, she liked this idea. Sure, a million different things could happen on the other side of the hotel room door…

Okay, not a million. There were maybe four or five things that could happen on the other side of that door.

Okay, two. There were basically two things.

Either nothing would happen.

Or…somethingwould happen.

Something that would change everything.

“I can’t stay,” he finally said.

He’d been acting cocky and confident and completely in charge since he’d walked into the ballroom. Now he looked freaked out.

“Why not?”


She lifted a brow as he trailed off. “Have an early project in the morning? Promised to be back tonight? Left the stove on?” She offered him a few different excuses.

His eyes dropped to her mouth again. “Because that would be really fucking dangerous.”

She blinked in surprise. He was going to be honest.

Okay then.

Of course, that was the reason he didn’t think he should stay. Because he thought something would happen too. Which would complicate everything.

Her heart, of course, flipped. And the area between her thighs got warmer.

“Dangerous? Why?”

He gave her a look that said,seriously? But she really wanted to hear this. For some reason.
