Page 47 of Spook's Possession

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“We can’t fight them on our own.”

“No. We need help. I’m going to Grim.”

I trusted him and the Royal Bastards. If anyone could prevent that cult from taking us, it was the family I had known all my life.

“Go. This can’t wait.”

“Don’t leave The Crossroads without me.”

“I won’t,” I promised before his lips captured mine.

“All my love. Every bit of me,” he swore, staring into my eyes as we separated. “Truly. Madly. Deeply.”

“All of it,” I agreed.

WHILE I WAITED FORCountry, I showered, dressed, and made my way into the common room. The bar was crowded, but I didn’t feel much like talking, so I took a seat in the corner to think over all the information I learned today about the cult.

“Hey, Heather.”

I looked up, annoyed to find Georgia taking a seat next to me. “Uh, hi.”

She smirked. “I know you don’t like me, and I can’t say that I blame you.” She sat down without an invitation, and I sighed. “But I think I should clear the air so you don’t believe all the gossip goin’ around.”

“Is that so?” Admittedly, I had an attitude.

“Damn, girl. You’re so fucking fierce. I love it.”


“Really. Twitchy thinks you’re a badass. She wants to recruit ya for the Harlots.”

Huh. I like Twitchy. She was her own brand of crazy, kinda like me.

“Twitchy is cool,” I agreed, not bothering to reply about becoming a Harlot.

Georgia cleared her throat. “I’m not fucking your man. Just so ya know. I tried a couple of times, but he turned me down. Fast.” She laughed. “So fast it almost hurt my fragile ego.”

I couldn’t resist a smile in response.

“Spook is so in love with you a girl could wrap her naked body around him, and he wouldn’t pop a boner.”

I couldn’t help but giggle. Damn. She was crass, but it was funny.

“I’m impressed.”

“If all this is true, why didn’t you stop the rumors?”

“Eh,” she waved a hand around in the air, flashing her blood-red nails. “That boy is bullheaded. I thought gettin’ ya jealous would help ya claim him.”

“That pisses me off but makes sense,” I conceded.

“See? I told ya I know what I’m doin’. Bragged about his thick cock too. I’ve got all the club girls curious.”

Frowning, I glared at her. “That’s not funny.”

“Honey, I saw his dick once. It’s huge.”

I slid off the stool, about to slap her smile off her face.
