Page 59 of Spook's Possession

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Greg’s cries for mercy fell on deaf ears.

Our scythes swiped again, slicing through his soul until only tiny oily fragments remained. They were sucked into the void beneath us, gobbled up with gusto as I began to laugh, feeling the last of his evil pull away from me. The taint left with him.

I felt only freedom. Relief. Unburdened.

The ground pulled back together, reforming as if it had never cracked open. There was no sign of Greg, not even a bloodstain. Nothing of his evil soul remained behind.

He was gone. Reaped. Forever.

As we left that casino, I flicked a cigarette down on the carpet, ensuring no other innocents could be taken down there and sold, harmed, or stolen from their families. No auctions. No further depravity. At least, not here.

The fire raged minutes later as I stood facing the building, watching the flames eat their way up the walls and cleanse it from sin. So fucking beautiful. It destroyed everything in its path until only ash remained.

Finally, my heart light, I left, never looking back.

Jigsaw sat on the seat of his Harley. Next to him, my bike waited for the ride home.

“Ready, brother?”

“Yep. I promised Heather I would be back soon.”

“Then let’s ride!”

When I parked my bike and rose off the seat, she was there. Her cinnamon-laced scent wrapped around me as I reached for her, tugging her into my arms where she belonged.

“What took you so long?” she asked, shielding her eyes from the setting sun.”

“I was just breathing, Wildfire, making my way back to you. Like always.”

“I like the sound of that.”

My mouth found hers, and, at that moment, I knew I was home.

I might be possessive, but she possessed me too.

Truly. Madly. Deeply.
