Page 9 of Spook's Possession

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The next afternoon, I curled up on my bed, watching Sabrina on Netflix. The show had the best Halloween vibes. I wasn’t a horror or gore fan, but I enjoyed spooky and thrillers.

My cousin Micah appeared in the doorway, waved, and when I ignored him for the kissing scene on my show, the stubborn ass stood in front of my TV.

“Micah!” I shouted, scrambling from the bed to give him a shove.

“There’s some dude in a cowboy hat on the front porch. He hasn’t rang the doorbell yet. Looks shady as fuck.”

“Country isn’t shady.”

“Then you know him?”

“I know a million cowboys. Don’t you?”

“Always so sassy.” He thumped the side of my head with a light flick.

“Can you move?” Micah still didn’t budge even after I kept shoving against him. Damn. A solid wall of muscle. “For once, can you not be the most annoying person on the planet?”

He mimicked me in a high-pitched voice. “Micah. Stop being so annoying. I like to be in danger.”

“Oh, shut up.” I smacked him, remembered Country was downstairs, and rushed from the room. I took the stairs two at a time, flinging open the door. “Hey, Country.”

His eyes widened as his gaze traveled the length of my body.

Oh shit. I only wore black leggings and a purple sports bra. It got hot in my room sometimes, too hot to wear layers of clothing.

“Uh, hey, Heather.” He scratched the back of his neck. “Just wanted to say sorry for taking off last night.”

I leaned against the open doorway. “Why did you run off without a word?”

“Didn’t feel like twenty questions with a stranger.”

I could understand that. “Makes sense.”

“Who the fuck are you?” Micah’s voice boomed as he appeared behind me.

Country flinched. “S-Spook.”

“You fucking with me?”

Country shook his head. “No.” He must have been nervous because his body twitched, and he blinked hard.

Micah stared, folding his arms across his chest. “Why are you here?”

“Isn’t t-t-that obvious?”

Micah narrowed his eyes.

“To see H-Heather,” Country added, blinking hard two more times.

“Why the fuck do you blink your eyes like that?”

I elbowed my cousin in the gut.

“Because I’m a f-f-fucking psycho,” he spat.

They stared one another down.

