Page 26 of Star Power

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“Like did she say that it wouldn’t work? I know you were seen in public together. At an awards ceremony. And you did the red carpet together and everything. But did she ever say that she didn’t want anything serious with you?”

Sydney tilted her head as her lips curved into a smile. “Are you sleeping with Charlotte?”

“What?” Lara blinked. That was the last thing she’d expected Sydney to say.

“Because she hasn’t taken her eyes off you. I’m sure I’ll hear all about it later. Ada hates it when she’s having a conversation with someone who’s not giving her their full attention.”

“Isn’t that kind of normal?”

“Don’t change the subject,” Sydney said with a laugh. “First of all, there was no me and Charlotte. I asked her to go with me to that awards ceremony, and that is the extent of it. Yes, she’s gorgeous. She’s my type. And maybe something could have happened. But no. Nothing did.”

“Okay.” Lara knew she was blushing, but there was nothing she could do about it.

“So, are you seeing Charlotte?”

Lara took a deep breath. “I don’t know.”

Sydney’s mouth twitched with amusement. “How do you not know?”

“I like her. A lot. Too much probably.”

“Okay, back up for a second. How long has this been going on?”

“A week?” Lara bit her lip. Yeah, it had only been a week. “I bumped into her at a wrap party. I’d never spoken to her before. And…” Lara closed her eyes for a second. “I might have made a fool of myself. But for some reason, Charlotte still asked me to come to her place to watch the ceremony on Sunday. And we were both so happy for Ada. I don’t know,” Lara said with a shrug. “We got caught up in the moment or something. But she kissed me.”

Lara swallowed. It was so strange saying it out loud. Charlotte had kissed her. Lara had gone over that moment in her mind so many times in the last few days, and she was sure of it now. Charlotte had initiated it.

“Oh shit,” Sydney said, complete surprise on her face. “I kind of assumed you would’ve started it.”

“Does that make a difference?”

“Yeah.” Sydney brought her beer to her lips and took a swig. “I mean, no one has seen Charlotte with anyone since she came out. I kind of interpreted that as she’s not getting involved with a woman just because she can now. She’s not out there dating every single queer woman in the entertainment industry. As far as I can see, she’s dating no one. And I looked. Because Ada brings it up every week nearly. When is Charlotte going to meet someone? Should I set her up with…” Sydney shook her head. “You get the idea.”

“Oh.” Lara didn’t know what to say to that. Her stomach knotted at the thought of Ada setting Charlotte up with someone.

“Shit, you’re jealous.”

“I don’t know what I am.” And that was the truth.

“Anyway, finish your story. What happened after Charlotte kissed you?”

“More kissing,” Lara said with a lopsided smile.

Sydney chuckled. “You have it bad.”

“I went home that night after convincing Charlotte to see me the next day. To come over for dinner.”

“You put the brakes on?”

Lara shook her head. “Charlotte did. And that’s why I wanted to ask you about her. She was so caught up in our age difference.”

“How many years?”

“Nineteen,” Lara said as she exhaled.

Sydney nodded. “Well, she’s certainly seen enough examples of it working.”
