Page 27 of Star Power

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“Yeah, that’s the thing I don’t get. She was so concerned about it when her own agent’s boyfriend must be twenty years younger than him. You guys. Kerri and Rachel.” Lara knew she was gesticulating, but she couldn’t stop herself. “So, that’s why… I mean, I wasn’t expecting her not to care at all. But I thought if she did, that it would be a minor thing. Like a speed bump. Something to be aware of but that wouldn’t matter too much in the big picture.”

“So, she came over the next night?”

“Yeah.” Lara pursed her lips. “And she was the one who suggested we go upstairs.”

“Shit, Lara.” Sydney’s smile was infectious. “It seems like she’s the one who’s got it bad. And she keeps looking over here.”

“That’s the thing. I don’t really know where we stand. Tonight was the first time I saw her since she left that morning. And things were good then. It wasn’t awkward or anything. But she was busy the next day, and then I was in New York, and… I guess, we need to talk.”

“Yeah. Sounds like it.”

“But that’s why I wanted to ask you about her.”

“I have nothing to contribute,” Sydney said with her hand up in mock surrender. “Despite what gay Twitter thinks, #Sylotte was never a thing.”

“Is it bad if I say I’m glad to hear it?” Lara asked with a smile.

“No. Not at all,” Sydney said as she wrapped her arm around her shoulder and led them back towards the kitchen. “We need another drink. Because I think we have something to celebrate.”


Charlotte couldn’t say for sure whether Ada noticed that Lara had gotten in the back of Charlotte’s car with her. The last six guests had practically left together, knowing it was getting late, and although they’d barely spoken all night, Charlotte had caught Lara’s eye as they were getting ready to go.

And Lara had slid into the backseat beside her.

“I told Sydney,” Lara said once the car pulled off and they were on the way to Charlotte’s. “I didn’t mean to. It just kind of happened.”

Charlotte turned to face her, and even in the dim lighting, she could see the worry etched on Lara’s face, like she thought she might have screwed up whatever it was they were doing by telling someone.

“I told Ada.”

Lara’s eyes grew wide. “Really?”

“Same thing. Kind of just happened. She knows me too well,” Charlotte said with a bit of a sigh.

“But you didn’t deny it?”

“No. She guessed that I might be having a secretive affair, and I guess I looked in your direction, but apparently my silence was what gave me away.”

Lara’s face fell a little, and Charlotte realized that she was basically saying that while she hadn’t outright denied it, she silently had.

“I was caught off guard by Ada,” Charlotte said. “I didn’t think she’d make the connection. And I also didn’t know what I could tell her. We haven’t exactly talked about what this is.” She motioned between them. “But she could tell that something was going on. How did Sydney guess? Did she catch you staring at me?”

“She actually thought you were staring at me.” Lara’s expression lightened for a second. “But uh…” Lara’s voice trailed off. “I think Sydney knew because I asked her about you.”

“You did?” Charlotte asked, feeling a smile coming to her lips. “Did you think we were together?”


“Hm. So did the rest of the world for a few weeks. And she told you we weren’t?”

“Right.” Lara pressed her lips together for a second.

“What did you ask her though?”

Lara ran her hand over her black jeans. “I asked her if you were worried about their age difference.”

