Page 29 of Star Power

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“Ada might have talked some sense into me.”


“Yeah. Just how she regretted treating Sydney. And that I shouldn’t mess you around. Yeah, I think that’s how she put it. And I couldn’t agree more,” Charlotte said. “So, I’m going to stop being an idiot now and admit that whatever this is… I’m not going to ignore it because of our ages.”

Lara shook her head as she smiled. “Is this real?”

“Very,” Charlotte said as she smiled into the kiss, Lara arching up off the stool to kiss her properly, her arms wrapping around Charlotte as they lost themselves in another kiss.


The earthy smell of soil mixed with the aroma of coffee as Lara surveyed Charlotte’s new backyard, the morning light peeking through the leaves.

“What a difference a week makes,” Lara said as Charlotte came outside to join her, a soft breeze moving through her blond hair as sat down. “If I hadn’t seen what it looked like before, I wouldn’t have believed this much could have changed in a week.”

The gentle chirping of birds filled the air, finding their place among all the new plants and flowers.

“I switched landscaping companies,” Charlotte said as she lifted her mug to her lips. “I gave them the plans, and they said they’d have it done in a week. And they did.”

“Are you happy?”

Charlotte’s eyes swept across her newly landscaped backyard, from the lush greens to the vibrant flowers. It was like it had all been here for years not days. “I love it. Although, I have to say I’ve grown rather fond of your pool area.”

Lara smiled as she shook her head. The night in the pool three weeks ago had started all of this, and that wasn’t the last time things had gotten heated in that pool. A delicious shudder ran through Lara’s body when she thought about the night they’d drifted through the water, kissing slowly, ending up on the steps that descended into the pool, Lara straddling Charlotte’s waist. Lara had moaned into Charlotte’s neck as she came, her hands lost in Charlotte’s hair, her hips rocking back against her.

“Is the pool ready to go?” Lara asked, trying to get her mind out of the gutter.

Charlotte nodded. “We’ll have to test it out some night.”

“I was thinking the very same thing.”

“I have a charity dinner tomorrow evening. I think it’s for climate change. I have a few of those kinds of events lined up, and I’m not sure which one is first. Anyway, that’s beside the point. I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?”

Lara quirked an eyebrow, hiding her smile behind her mug as she took a sip of coffee. They’d fallen into an easy going routine these last three weeks of staying over at each other’s home two or three nights a week. They went out for hikes and walks on the beach, always wearing hats and dressing very casually, never getting noticed.

This would be the first time that they would be stepping out in public together. And Charlotte was the one suggesting it.

“Yeah. I’d love to. But are you sure?” Lara studied Charlotte’s face, still not quite believing that these last few weeks had been real. Everything had been so natural between them. It almost felt like they’d been together for months.

“Yes. I don’t imagine that there’ll be a huge fuss. I could be bringing you as a friend or someone interested in the cause. But if someone asks, I’m not going to deny it. Is that okay?”

“Yeah, of course.”

Lara bit the inside of her cheek to keep herself from grinning like a fool, because as amazing as these last few weeks had been, they’d never really spoken about how this would work. How they would come out as a couple. If they really were being serious. Lara never knew for sure.

She wanted to believe that Charlotte thought they could be in a long-term relationship, but they’d never actually spoken about it.

Lara knew she was falling for Charlotte, but she held back any kind of declaration, knowing that Charlotte wasn’t there yet.

But this was definitely a positive sign.


The soft tones of jazz music floated through the air as Charlotte navigated her way through the crowded ballroom after stepping out to find the restrooms. She ran her hands over her simple yet sleek black dress as she searched the crowd of elegantly dressed celebrities and sports stars, spotting a few local politicians mixed in, the hum of their conversations surrounding her as her eyes landed on her agent.

Charlotte shouldn’t have been surprised to see Jerry here. He’d certainly donate to the cause tonight, but he’d also get some business done. He’d no doubt try and pitch one of his clients to do the narration for a documentary that was in the works on the state of the oceans.

He caught her eye, and Charlotte weaved her way through the crowd, the scent of expensive colognes and perfumes hitting her nose.
