Page 28 of Star Power

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“I know I shouldn’t have.” Lara turned to face her. “I’m sorry. I was just curious. I thought she might have said, ‘Yes Charlotte was, and this was how I convinced her not to be…’ But obviously she had no advice to give me.”

Before Charlotte could reply, her driver was pulling up outside her house, opening the door for her. Lara got out too, although she looked a little uneasy, as if she wasn’t sure if Charlotte would still want her here after what she’d just said.

“Have you changed your mind?” Charlotte asked.

Lara visibly swallowed. “No. Have you?”

“No.” Charlotte strode up the steps to her front door without another word, hearing Lara’s footsteps behind her and the sound of her driver pulling away.

Charlotte flicked on a few lights as they went inside, illuminating the hallway and the kitchen. “Drink?” Charlotte asked, her fingers drumming against the countertop.

Lara slid onto a bar stool. “Water?”

Charlotte took out a bottle from the fridge and poured them two glasses of water.

“I want to have a clear head,” Lara said softly after she’d taken a drink.

“For the conversation we’re meant to be having?”

“Hm. And what might come after.”

Charlotte took a drink and left her glass on the counter, her mind choosing that moment to remember the way Lara had placed her hand on Charlotte’s thigh during dinner and what that slight squeeze did to her, that shot of electricity that went right to her center.

“You’re optimistic then,” Charlotte said, coming around to Lara’s side of the counter and standing in front of her, her hands sliding up Lara’s thighs as she stepped between her legs.

Lara left her glass down on the counter behind her and tilted her head, her eyes searching Charlotte’s. “We might not have spoken much tonight, but I lost track of the number of times I caught you looking at me.”

“Or was it the other way around?” Charlotte asked softly as she pushed a lock of Lara’s hair away from her eyes.

“You looked stunning tonight. How was I supposed to not look at you?”

Charlotte’s thumb lazily drifted across Lara’s jawline. “So, you know exactly how I felt. You look good in black you know. These pants have been driving me crazy all night. But then again, at Jessica’s you were wearing white. I think it might have very little to do with what color you’re wearing.”

“Maybe you should stop fighting this,” Lara murmured, her body arching up as Charlotte slipped her hand behind Lara’s neck, the other on Lara’s hip.

Charlotte dipped her head as Lara rose up to meet her, her lips grazing across Lara’s neck, a frustrated sigh leaving Lara’s lips as Charlotte trailed kisses along her neck.

“I was just trying to save us from disaster,” Charlotte whispered as her lips brushed over Lara’s soft skin.

“I don’t want to be saved,” Lara said, her voice husky, sexy and determined all at once as she cupped Charlotte’s cheek, bringing their lips together in a luxuriously sensual kiss, their mouths parting, their tongues searching.

Charlotte moaned into the kiss, one hand lost in Lara’s hair, the other sliding underneath Lara’s top, gliding over her hip and up along her ribs as they continued to kiss.

When they came up for air, Charlotte lightly rested her forehead against Lara’s for a few long seconds before standing upright, her hands on Lara’s thighs. “We’re supposed to be talking.”

Lara stared at her with flushed cheeks, her hair disheveled from where Charlotte’s hand had been moments ago. “I can’t think never mind talk.”

Charlotte smiled. “I know what you mean.” She leaned in, parting her lips against Lara’s.

“What do you want this to be?” Lara asked, running a hand through her hair when Charlotte pulled away again, knowing that they really should talk. “That’s what we need to talk about. I’m here, a little too invested in this already, but I can say without a shadow of a doubt that I want you, and I don’t give a fuck how old you are.”

Charlotte inhaled a shaky breath as she bit her lip, somewhat thrown by Lara’s honesty.

“Too blunt?” Lara asked with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

“No. I like it. And I also happen to like you,” Charlotte said with a smile as she stepped back between Lara’s legs, her hands finding Lara’s in her lap.

“Now that is a relief.”
