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She rolls on top of me, the biggest smile covering her beautiful face.

“Bring it on, big guy.”

And that’s exactly what I do until she falls asleep in the early morning hours.

But then the spell is broken, and I’m forced to return to reality, hating every moment of it. I feel like the biggest douchebag on the planet as I slide out of bed, dress quickly, and sneak out of the room.

Looking back one more time as I crack the door, I take in the sight of her sleeping form. Then, I turn and leave behind the one woman I’ve ever had the desire to have more with. One who has the potential to completely break me. For that reason, I close the door behind me, punctuating this experience for us both and marking it as the end.

Chapter Three


Sitting in this fucking courtroom again sets me on edge, causing me to grind my teeth. Having to see Christopher’s smug face and sly grin every day is enough to make me homicidal as he drags my sisters through my trauma and heartache because he’s a narcissistic piece of shit. I grit my teeth again until it causes my jaw to ache.

I reach over and squeeze Andrea’s hand. She turns and gives me a tight smile. She’s been a pillar of strength through all this. Jack sits on her other side, his hand resting on her leg. I can’t thank him enough for being the rock for my sister she’s always deserved to have.

Andrea was nearly choked to death by Christopher and then later shot by him when he found her in Fraser. I wish I’d put a stop to all this years ago. It would have saved them from this nightmare.

“It’s okay, Andrew,” Adalyn’s sweet voice whispers, patting my leg.

She must read the mix of anger and regret painted on my face. She knows more of my dark secrets than anyone else. I had to tell her things to gain her trust, but she still doesn’t know the worst of them. She and Andrea have every right to see me as the shitty brother I’ve been to them for the last I don’t even know how many years.

Now isn’t the time to tell her it’s not okay. I nod, reaching to hold her hand with my free hand. They don’t deserve this bullshit. I do. I deserve all of it for the things I’ve done, the lies I’ve told. But not my sisters.

Nathan leans forward from the other side of Adalyn. “They’re going to nail his ass. We’ll make sure of it.”

“They fucking better,” I whisper back to him.

Tension radiates from Nathan even with Addy sitting between us. The ripple effect that my choices have had on the people I love the most is disgusting. If I wasn’t tied to Christopher, Addy would have never been kidnapped. She wouldn’t have needed to be rescued, and she wouldn’t have been attacked again later by the same man who abducted her.

Nathan got there just as Adalyn took the bastard down. She’s strong, not just physically, but emotionally. She has bounced back from the awful events that should never happen to anyone. She has fought to heal herself while being a mother to Nathan’s daughter. I’ll never be able to put into words how proud I am of her. Andrea, too.

Someone squeezes my shoulder from behind. I turn to see my beautiful Charlie taking a seat behind us. I like to think of her as mine, but she can’t ever be that. I have to accept it, even if last night only makes me want to own her more.

“Hey,” she whispers, a smile pulling at the corner of her mouth.

Leaving her before dawn was damn near impossible. She saw parts of me that I never show anyone.

“Hey,” I whisper back, trying to hide the memories of last night from showing on my face.

Our bodies fit together perfectly. She wanted me and followed my every demand without question or hesitation. My dick stirs as the images of her splayed out on the hotel room bed consume me. Her hips bucking as she begged me to fuck her.

She clears her throat, and I realize I’m still turned and staring at her. My tongue glides across my lips, and I swallow hard. Her cheeks are pink, and immediately, I know she’s reliving last night, too. I face forward, desperate to break this connection. I lift my leg and prop my right ankle on my left knee, trying to hide the growing bulge in my pants.

The judge slams the gavel three times, signaling the trial is underway again.

We walk out of the courtroom during the break for lunch. My hands ball into fists as my jaw clenches. The fucking lies. It makes me want to charge his ass right there and beat him to death, but I know that won’t be the fitting end that’ll happen. My sisters deserve justice, real justice. Christopher needs to be exposed for the slimy gutter trash that he is. So, I sit and listen, remaining still and quiet. Even if I’m tearing him to shreds in my mind.

A small hand rubs my back, soothing me. I turn, expecting to find Adalyn, but it’s Charlie. Her sympathetic looks guts me. She’s such a beautiful woman I want so badly it hurts, but I know I’ll never have her. She gave me her body last night, but I want so much more of her. Unfortunately, she’s too good for me.

“Don’t get so worked up, big guy. You know better than anyone to trust the process,” she says, trying to calm me.

She doesn’t know how many times slimy motherfuckers like Christopher walk because they have money and status. I won’t tell her that, though. I don’t want her to lose her confidence in the case and justice system. We all need to hold strong for Andrea and Adalyn.

I want to feel her silky soft skin again, and I’m unable to stop myself. I reach out and stroke my fingers down her arm. Goosebumps spread across her as her pupils dilate, and she inhales sharply. My touch excites her as much as touching her excites me.

I want to pull her to me and press my lips to hers. I want to her feel her tits against me while her hands roam my body. A low growl escapes my throat, and her eyes meet mine. A grin grows on her pouty pink lips. I could bend her over and bury myself in her right here and now. She would love taking all of me.
