Page 111 of Unburdening His Heart

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I know he’s upset that he can’t go help, but Andrew is our number one priority. We need to keep him safe.

Addy walks over, rubbing her hand up and down Nathan’s back. “I’m sure you did the best you could, baby.”

“So, you didn’t get anything?” Andrea asks, less sympathetic than Addy.

Jack pulls his phone from his pocket as he walks over to Andrea. He presses play on a video. “This is all I could get.”

Andrea watches the video intently, and I walk over to stand on the other side of Jack so I can see, too. I’ve never met Malcom. I’d like to at least know what the son of a bitch looks like in case he ever has the misfortune of running into me. I’ll kill him for what he’s done to his children.

“There’s no audio?” I ask, frustrated.

“I didn’t have time to check,” Jack replies, shooting a look towards Nathan.

Nathan ignores him. I don’t think Jack is really frustrated with Nathan. Nathan is a doctor. There’s no reason for him to have the skills required for that kind of sleuthing. Doing your best is all anyone can do in a situation like that. I suspect Jack knows that. He’s just frustrated.

We all are.

I sigh with my frustration. “Great, it’s just them talking, and conveniently, we can’t hear anything being said. That’s a lot of fucking nothing,” I say as I walk back over to my spot by Andrew.

I sit at his bedside and reach over to take his hand in mine. I give it a squeeze. I’d give anything for him to squeeze it back.

“We’ll get the footage if there’s a reason to,” Nathan says. It’s obvious he’s kicking himself for failing to hold the security guard off longer.

“Don’t beat yourself up over it. You did what you could,” Jack relents. They exchange a glance and let the subject drop.

SJ clears his throat from across the room. “I may have something, and you guys might not be happy about it.”

He has a remorseful look on his face, which only sets off warning bells in me.

“What is it?” Andrea asks after SJ remains quiet for too long.

He sighs and shakes his head. “I know who Colin is.”

“How?” I blurt out. The tone of his voice makes it sound like he’s always known, not that he just figured it out.

“I wasn’t sure at first, so I didn’t want to say anything, but I confirmed it.”

“Well, who the hell is he?” Jack demands. Everyone is a little impatient, and SJ is taking his sweet-ass time.

“He’s a friend, and a coworker.”

I don’t know why I’m surprised. I shouldn’t be. Andrew hired both of them, so it’s not a leap that he would go through the same company. I’m shocked we didn’t think of it sooner.

“Does that mean you can get him to come here?” I tentatively ask. We need answers and Andrew isn’t awake to give them.

SJ shakes his head. “That’s the problem. I can’t actually get in touch with him, and I’m worried.”

“Worried Malcom did something to him, too?” Nathan asks.

“I’m not saying that right now,” he answers with his hands raised in the air in a hold your horses kind of gesture. “It’s part of our training to lie low for a while if a case goes sideways. That’s exactly what this case has done with Andrew getting hurt. Colin followed Andrew’s last request and went dark. At least, that’s my best guess on where he is.”

Now I’m even more confused. This sounds like a spy movie or some shit. Went dark. “What the hell does that even mean?”

“It means Colin is worried, worried enough to disappear for a while.” His words finally sink in and register. I knew we were in a colossally fucked up situation, but if the trained professional hightailed it out, that’s probably a really bad sign.

A whispered, “Wow,” is Andrea’s only response, as she seems to have just realized the magnitude of the situation as well.

“What does that mean for us?” I choke out. I’m scared to hear the answer, but even more scared of not asking the question.
