Page 124 of Never Trust An Alpha

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It took a couple of hours to reach the hotel, which was located in a backwoods area outside of Denver. It shouldn’t have taken us so long to reach our destination—even with the stop at a drive-thru where we ordered enough food to feed four hungry shifters—but Tori had taken several back roads. She’d even gone back over routes we’d already traversed, so if we were being tracked, the hunters would have found it difficult to follow the trail.

My little wolf was innovative and intelligent, and watching her strategize our escape was a privilege. I was seeing her in a whole new light, and she was even more of an attractive package than before—and she’d already been perfect. I needed to be alone with her. Even more so now that we were both fully healed.

After I checked us in, Audrey was left to watch over Diana. Clawson bunked up with Zander and Kyle, both still unconscious.

We carefully settled Zander on a bed. His breathing was even, but his skin was still gray, and he had painted marks all over his body. Kyle was still knocked out, but as we weren’t sure how long it’d take for him to metabolize the drug, we made quick work of tying him up. I should have shared a room with Clawson, taking turns to watch over our charges, but I needed to be alone with Tori.

The desperation of being close to her, but not close enough, was eating at me. Thanks to my superior sense of smell, her scent—both delicious and tortuous—told me she was feeling the same. No way could I hold out until we got back home. My wolf was just as needy, and Tori’s wolf called to mine. I was not going to deny my mate anything she needed, not after everything she’d been through. It was my job and privilege to take care of her, and it was no hardship for me to oblige.

Not only that, but I needed to hold her to calm down properly after all the recent near-misses that had befallen us since we met.It felt like I’d only just found her, and we’d already been through heavy trials. Taking a moment to breathe her in was a small ask in the main scheme of things.

Once Tori and I ensured everyone was settled, we entered our room. Tori was wound up tight. She constantly checked the windows and triple-checked the locks, only to resume pacing the room.

It must’ve been harder for her to face the hunters than she’d let on. She’d hidden it well, which further proved how courageous she was. Now that I knew her brother was a hunter, it made me wonder how deep her family connections went within the hunters’ organization. No wonder they were going after her specifically. She knew way too much and could cause them some serious problems. It didn’t matter to them that she was a young girl on the run and that she’d stayed away.

As she went back to checking the locks on the windows, I wrapped my arms around her and pressed my lips against the back of her head. At first, she stiffened, but then she relaxed against me. My wolf and I wanted to howl at the moon in triumph at her submission. It was hard-earned, and I cherished it deeply. I’d fight tooth and nail to keep it.

“Come on. There’s no use in stressing out completely right now,” I said, nuzzling her ear. “You need to relax a little.” I turned her around and pulled on her hand as I led us into the bathroom.

She stopped us halfway inside the room. “No, Ridge, we need to stay vigilant. It’s too risky.”

“Little wolf, you’ve done an amazing job of hiding our trail, and Clawson’s already keeping an eye out. We don’t need two of you on guard duty. If there’s a problem, he’ll let us know.”

Tori bit her bottom lip and furrowed her brow like she did when mulling over a decision. She glanced at the window and door again, slowly letting her shoulders relax and squeezing my hand.

Smiling at her, I led her into the bathroom. My sole focus was to help my mate relax and rest. She wasn’t a machine and shouldn’t have to act like one.

I pulled her close to me and began kissing her forehead, cheeks, eyes, jaw, and finally, her lips. I kept to gentle, tender pecks as I slowly undressed her. My lips grazed her hot skin as I unwrapped her like the gift she was. This moment was about reconnection and admiring the woman I’d fallen head over heels for.

When she was gloriously naked, I made fast work of ridding myself of my clothes. This wasn’t about me; it was about my need to care for her. I couldn’t help but stroke my fingers lightly over her stab wound that had healed and now only looked like a harsh bruise—even that was slowly fading. I sank to my knees and kissed the wound several times, as if I could kiss everything better.

Her soft hands glided over my shoulders, her delicate fingers tenderly running through my hair. I surrendered to the sensations, closing my eyes and reveling in the tenderness of her touch. My wolf whimpered in pleasure. I’d wage wars to keep this little wolf at my side for the rest of my life and beyond.

Rising to my feet, I went to start the shower. When the water was just right, I picked up my mate and carried her inside. She let out the most beautiful gasp and tightened her arms around my neck. I never wanted her to let go.

Easing her to her feet, I started lathering her with soap. Cleaning her was something I’d never tire of. My cock was certainly not hiding its enjoyment of the task. Watching the soap lathered all over her curves made me imagine getting her dirty all over again. My cock twitched and aimed itself directly toward Tori.

I tamped down that train of thought. This wasn’t the time for that. This was about caring for my mate and giving her what she needed. Even if she didn’t know what she needed, I did.

I couldn’t believe how amazing those magic pills were. I softened my touch over the unblemished skin where bruises had painted her skin vivid purples and greens just a few hours ago. I wanted to kick myself for not raiding the supply building with her. We could’ve brought more back with us, but I couldn’t live by “coulda, woulda, andshoulda” when my priority was to ensure my mate’s safety and keep her out of the lion’s den that had been hunting her for years.

My heart still seized at the thought that they could have captured her while she tried to pull off a rescue. I’d have been lost if that had happened. I would never have rested. I’d have burned the fucking world to the ground until I had Tori in my arms again, or had rightfully avenged her and then willingly followed her into the beyond.

“Hey, what’s going on in that head of yours?” Tori reached up to guide my head until I met her gaze. She roamed her hands down my shoulders and arms, massaging gently as she went, trying to loosen my tense muscles.

Dropping my forehead to hers, I gazed into her eyes. “You mean everything to me. I don’t know how I’d go on without you. Seeing you in that compound, knowing hunters were around… it scared the ever-living shit out of me, Tori. I couldn’t breathe. If they’d gotten a hold of you, I’d have burned the world to the ground to get you back. Life as I know it would cease to exist if anything ever happened to you.”

Her eyes softened and she gasped. “Ridge?”

Leaning down, I kissed her. It wasn’t forceful or passionate like our kisses tended to be. This kiss was reverent and fearful and full of longing. When I came up for air, her eyes were glassy, and my stomach flipped at the tender look she bestowed upon me.

“I have a confession.”

I lifted my brow at her.

“I went feral and shifted when I woke up at the hospital and realized you were gone. I couldn’t fight it. I tried, Ridge. But I went mad and became so afraid. Hunters had you.” Sadness and fear flicked in her eyes just for a nanosecond, but I caught it. “But here with you now, my wolf and I feel a thousand times better.”

Closing her eyes, she nuzzled her face against mine like a purring cat caressing her owner for affection. Panic threatened to take hold of me. Anything could’ve happened when she’d shifted. I willed myself to let it go since she was in my arms now.
