Page 140 of Never Trust An Alpha

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Kyle looked bored and didn’t answer.

The questions went round and round, with no reaction from Kyle. I’d been watching for a good hour, but Clawson was getting nowhere with the hunter.

“How many shifters do the hunters think are in town? Who’s leading their archaic hunting vendetta?”

With each question, Clawson’s voice got louder and angrier. None of it fazed the other man.

Clawson slammed his hands on the table, got up, and towered over the hunter. “What the fuck did you guys do to Zander Elkins in that room at the compound?”


A vein popped out on the sheriff’s scarlet face. “Answer me!”

Kyle didn’t flinch. He only lifted his gaze toward the sheriff and leaned back in the chair to get more comfortable. Well, as comfortable as a criminal could while being handcuffed to a table with his feet shackled together.

He was a hunter, and there was no way we’d risk him getting out and hurting other people, so treating him like he was already on death row was no hardship.

Kyle still wouldn’t talk, though. He was a steel trap; he had no fear. It suited his personality, and I desperately wanted to keep my mate far away from this very detached individual. It didn’t matter that they were siblings. He’d already hurt her deeply, and I wouldn’t allow that to happen again.

Having had enough of the silent treatment, I barged into the interrogation room. Knowing Clawson now knew everything, I didn’t hold back.

“Why the fuck are you hunting down your own damn sister? What makes you think it was okay to desert her? To have her fear for her life for so long?” A little spit flew out of my mouth as I shouted at Kyle. I wanted a reaction, any kind of reaction.

Bingo. At the mention of Tori, his mask slipped slightly. Not a lot, but enough for him to show something. It happened so fast that I couldn’t study what he was hiding, but it was a start.

There was something there that wasn’t cold and calculating. I just had to figure out what that was, because I damn sure wasn’t going to risk Tori coming in here until I was confident he wouldn’t harm her further—physically or emotionally.

Usually, I’d be impressed by someone who’d kept their mouth shut for as long as he had. I could respect someone who stayed quiet to protect their loved ones. But without understanding the dynamic between the two siblings, I could only lean on the fact that she was a shifter and he was a hunter. He’d come to the very town she was residing in and kidnapped four shifters. In my eyes, he was out to capture and torture her.

The throbbing ache of anger had me shaking and showing my wolfish side. I snarled, “If I find out Tori was ever hurt by you blindly following the barbaric hunter agenda, I’ll make sure you wished Tori was born an only child.” I’d happily tear him to shreds and bathe in his blood. Tori didn’t deserve any more pain, especially not at the hands of her kin.

Kyle’s eyes narrowed, and he clenched his jaw before gritting out, “You need to stay away from my sister. It’s bad enough she’s been burdened with turning into a monster. The last thing she needs is an obsessive, raving wolf slobbering after her like a lovesick puppy. Back off of her.”

The protective undertone in Kyle’s voice threw me for a loop. It had me mentally scratching my head at the conundrum that was Hunter Kyle. What was the nature of their relationship? Had Tori run from her brother prematurely? Or should she have left sooner, so he never discovered she’d turned into a wolf?

“Watch your mouth when talking to the alpha,” Clawson snapped.

Kyle rolled his eyes, and if I hadn’t known who he was, that little trait would have given it away. The gesture was identical to my mate’s. There was no hiding the fact that they were siblings; their mannerisms were spot-on. Nobody could be in the same room as either of them and not pick up on every similarity.

I’d learned it all, or at least what Tori had willingly given to me. That was what happened when you became obsessed with your mate. Nothing went unnoticed for long.

“Sheriff, you wanted me to start talking, so here I am talking. But I’ll gladly shut up again. No, it’ll be a privilege.” Kyle’s sarcasm poured out of his mouth like maple syrup.

Standing taller, I stared down at Kyle in his seat. We weren’t going to get much more out of him. The progress had stalled when it had yet to begin. “Clawson, it’s a waste to be here right now. Please update me about Mrs. Marrow later.”

The sheriff nodded, and I didn’t bother to give the hunter one last look as I went to the door. I stopped in my tracks when Kyle asked a question out of left field.

“Did Tori find the spelled capsules?” A hint of worry and sadness tinged his rough voice.

Turning around, I pierced Kyle with my stare. He was obviously talking about the witch pills. “She did, and she took one.”

It wasn’t a drastic change, but Kyle’s body eased slightly enough that he didn’t look as tense. He must’ve known that Tori had suffered a silver wound because his relief overtook his form for a quick second before his façade of boredom returned.

As much as I disliked him for Tori’s sake, and for having kidnapped me and others, I decided to update Tori on her brother later. When I did, I would mention his concerns over her dating me and making sure she took the spelled pills. As much as I wanted him far away from her, I wanted her to have peace of mind more than anything. She’d lived with enough torment to last a few lifetimes, and I wanted her to think about her relationship with her brother. I was beginning to believe that Kyle didn’t hate Tori the way she thought.

If that information would help her stop torturing herself, I’d gladly give it to her.

I lifted my chin at Clawson and went on my way. I was surprised to see Audrey standing outside the sheriff’s office.
