Page 164 of Never Trust An Alpha

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A hopeful look came over Margo as she stepped back and gestured wildly in front of her as if she were setting the scene. “I swear we could make it perfect for you. It’ll be low-key, not too expensive, outdoors, and still beautiful and intimate, exactly how you and Ridge are together. I can pull it off for you.”

Dumbfounded, I stared at Margo. I didn’t know what to say. The thought of planning my faux wedding delighted her so much, I couldn’t bring myself to disappoint her. She had been my first friend in so long. I wanted to tell her the truth about Ridge and me, but in the end, it would be best to do a clean break and make people believe that I’d broken the mayor’s heart. Knowing Margo, she’d probably come after me. She didn’t take friendship lightly and would try to drag me back.

I couldn’t let that happen; it’d be too much for me. So, once again, I bit my tongue.

“Margo, I appreciate you wanting to help. I really do, but I’m not sure about it. Ridge and I haven’t even set a date yet, and that’s kind of important. Never mind discussing the finer details.”

Margo’s enthusiasm burst like a popped balloon. Watching the air deflate from her left me feeling like a real bitch, but I figured my excuse was solid. Ridge and I didn’t have a date picked out, and it wasn’t something that could get pushed on us, so that was a brilliant way to help keep people away.

Margo was about to say something when Audrey approached, laughing. She scoffed. “That’s no excuse, Tori. Ridge looks at you like you hung the moon and like you’re the air he breathes. I’m pretty sure you could tell him to marry you tomorrow, wearing a sack for a wedding dress, and he’d bend over backward to make it happen.”

I glared at Audrey, wishing I suddenly had some superpower that would make her trip or sew her mouth shut. It didn’t work. What was the point of being a shifter if you didn’t get any added superpowers?

Giggling, Margo crossed her arms. “She’s so right. The two of you are like a fairytale.” I lifted a brow at her like she was crazy, and she laughed. “It’s so true. You have your mate wrapped around your paw, and everyone can see it.”

My cheeks flamed. “That’s not true.”

Smooth. When did I revert to being a ten-year-old? Honestly, I wondered if I really had Ridge so enamored. He fought me on many things, but only about my safety, leaving town, and if something was better for me, such as his bunny food. Apart from that, we didn’t fight. He smiled at me as if he thought I was adorable, which could be very irritating, and he kissed me senselessly.

“You should’ve seen how desperate Ridge was to get Tori alone after the rescue,” Audrey said. “It’s a miracle the two came out of the motel room the next morning. I thought for sure we would have stayed there another night.”

Blushing, I glared at Audrey, telling her to shut up with my eyes.

“Oh, my moon goddess, tell me everything. Spare no details. Was it hot? Did he ravish you? I bet he ravished her.” Margo swooned and spoke fast, like she always did when feeling gossipy. Before she’d finished talking, she turned to Audrey, figuring I wouldn’t answer her. She was right.

I couldn’t stop myself from turning every shade of red under the sun as the two bantered back and forth. What Ridge and I did alone was very private, and I disliked the idea of people knowing any of those details or speculating on them. It was for me to cherish, because soon, all I’d have would be the memories. I wanted them only for myself.

Plus, if I talked about it, it would only make distinguishing between what was fake in my relationship with Ridge harder. Lines were slowly blurring as it was.We had a fake engagement, but the heat and passion were real. The sex was most certainly not faked, so if I spoke about it out loud, I’d be speaking the truth, which would only make it more impossible to step away when the time came. I was holding onto anything I could to protect myself.

Trying to shift the conversation away from my internal turmoil and the duo’s romantic notions, I mentioned the town’s woes. “Speaking of the rescue, both of you know that the town’s facing a lot, so now isn’t the time for anyone to focus on romance or an elaborate wedding. We should be focusing on the citizens and how to secure the town.”

They both rolled their eyes.

“Fine.” Margo sighed. “My love life is roadkill right now, anyway.”

A little lightbulb started blinking in my mind. Let’s see how much Margo liked it. If she wanted to talk about romance, we could talk about hers.

“It’s none of my business, but have you had time to thank Clawson for helping get Diana back?”

She groaned at me, but she had to know he should be thanked.

“You’re pissed at him about making you stay when you tried to go with us,” I said. “I get that, but he had good intentions. I know that much.”

Audrey’s attention was piqued, and she studied Margo. I schooled my face into an expression of innocence.

Margo rolled her eyes at me and grumbled, “Touché.” Then she huffed, “The sheriff has been too busy with the mysterious captive in the town’s jail for me to discuss anything with him.”

“Do you mean Tori’s wildly hot brother?” Audrey stood up straighter, sounding a little too eager, in my opinion.

Margo’s head swiveled toward me, her expression appalled.

“What do you mean, Tori’sbrother? Do you have a brother? Why is he in jail? What did he do? Is it the sheriff’s fault that he’s in there? And why would you bring your brother back after a rescue mission? How was he involved in all of that?”

I fought the temptation to strangle Audrey as Margo fired off her questions. I had no idea how to answer them. Settling for a dirty look in Audrey’s direction, I flapped my arms to get Margo to settle down.

Audrey lowered her eyes sheepishly, and I figured I couldn’t be mad at her. I hadn’t told her not to mention Kyle to Margo. I’d only been specific about not spilling the beans to Ridge and the sheriff until I could tell them, even though they’d already known.

“It’s nothing, Margo,” I said. “No need to be worried about what’s going on with my brother. It’ll get sorted out.”
