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“I came to pick up my things. Ridge wants me at the manor to keep me safe.” I fought to roll my eyes, knowing I needed to maintain the act of the devoted little mate so people didn’t catch on. I didn’t know what would confuse people. If this engagement wasn’t fake, I could just be myself and tell everybody to buzz off, but that wasn’t an option.

Margo’s eyebrows danced. “I’m sure our alpha wants you under his roof and in his bed for more than safety, but make sure you use protection. You don’t want to be popping out a pup right after the wedding.”

I heated up at the mere suggestion, making Margo giggle.

Yep, Margo was fine.

“I need to pack now,” I said. “I’ll see you at work.”

Margo’s laugh followed me down the corridor as I shut her door. It was depressing how all my worldly possessions fit in one tattered backpack. Nothing meant a lick to me. All I had was a toothbrush, a couple of outfits I’d picked up in thrift shops, and an extra pair of shoes.

That was all I’d been able to grab from my last hiding spot before the hunters nearly caught me. It seemed like they were getting closer to me each time. The last encounter had been so close, I wondered if my luck had run out and now it was only a matter of time.

The wolf growled in my head. If it were up to her, we’d die before we allowed ourselves to get caught.

Chills rained over me at that thought, images of all the self-harm I could do so that I wouldn’t be caught and tortured flashing through my mind. I’d seen torture. Their torture. Death would be a welcome release.

After one last quick scan of the room, I stripped the sheets and blankets, piling them on the bed so Diana could come in and grab them. I made sure to leave the place as neat as possible.

I reached the foyer but didn’t run into Margo, and Diana wasn’t sitting in her chair anymore. Setting the key on the front desk, I glanced around one last time. This would’ve been a nice place to recharge for a while.

At least the hunters wouldn’t find me at the B&B if they caught up with me in town. At least Margo and Diana wouldn’t have to face that. Ridge, as alpha, was the best person to defend the town and fight the hunters. Knowing that made it easier for me to turn in the key and stay at the manor. The Bogfords didn’t need to be in the crosshairs of my battle.

I hesitated with my hand in midair as yelling echoed from down the street. The shouts increased and became more intense. I opened the car and threw my pack in the backseat, watching Audrey and Mateo facing off in the town square. Nobody else was around that I could see, and although I couldn’t understand what was being said, it didn’t seem like either of them was holding anything back.

Fiddling with the key ring, I toyed with either getting in the car and heading out or staying to watch what happened next.

After a moment, Audrey gave a very unladylike snarl and marched off with her nose high in the air and her arms crossed. Mateo punched his hands onto his hips as he glared at her retreating back, then he waved his arms and said something under his breath before storming back to his bar, which was no longer taped off as a crime scene.

Usually, I’d ignore such an interaction. It was none of my concern. However, it was odd that Audrey had walked in to find the body almost at the same time I did. What made things more peculiar? Mateo never even mentioned me wearing his work clothes earlier.

Why wouldn’t he tell Sheriff Clawson? He didn’t know me and didn’t owe me anything. So, why not mention it?

Cursing to myself, I locked the car with the fob and rushed over to the bar. I needed to get to the bottom of who killed Phil Hill, even if it was me. I could only do that by talking to people and asking questions. Clawson had probably already checked for this, but it wouldn’t hurt to ask Mateo if I could view any video footage. If it turned out my wolf had murdered the poor deputy, then I would take as much accountability and responsibility as possible.

Several people were walking down the sidewalk now, hitting the diner or closing up shop, but I managed to avoid getting stopped by any of them and having to fake the role of the doting fiancée, which was a relief.

I shuffled into the bar. There weren’t any patrons at the moment, only Mateo hanging out behind the bar, cleaning glasses.

Walking into the tavern after this morning made the skin between my shoulder blades itch. My heart rate jacked up a couple of notches, and my fingers started to fidget like they always did when I was uncomfortable. I appreciated that the blood had been cleaned up and everything was back to how it was when I’d first entered here a few nights ago.

“Keep the clothes, it’s fine. I know shifters have a serious problem with running around nude after a Full Moon Howl.” Mateo’s accent flowed over me, but he didn’t look up at me.

I stopped in my tracks, dread settling heavily in my gut. Mateo was human.

He lifted his head and smiled at me. “I’ve known about shifters my whole life, and every shifter in town knows they can trust me. Which is why you can ask whatever you want to ask because I don’t doubt for a minute that I don’t look suspicious to you.” He never stopped cleaning each glass and putting it where it needed to be.

Soothing my skittish wolf, I was impressed that he didn’t break stride. He was right. I did find him suspicious. To be fair, though, everybody was suspicious, me included.

Stepping forward and taking a seat, I decided to get on with it. “I’m sorry for stealing your clothes. I’ll return them to you after I wash them.” I’d always intended to do that. “But…can you tell me what you know about what might have happened. I mean, it did happen here after all.”

Mateo smirked and waggled his eyebrows at me, which generally would have disgusted me, but with him, I found it funny. The Frenchman had a charm to him. I wouldn’t lie and say I was immune to it.

“I don’t know much. I was otherwise engaged most of the night and only woke up when Audrey screamed. I didn’t hear any noises…well, besides a different sort of screaming.”

I turned my lip up in disgust, and he laughed.

“Could I look at the security footage?” I pointed at the camera behind the bar. When I looked around the room, I noticed there were several others around the large space.
