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“It’s better to shift naked. That way, you won’t ruin your clothes.”

I worked my mouth a few times and finally croaked, “I’m not going to get naked in the forest. I’m not even sure Icanshift.”

Ridge’s loud, sensuous laughter coated my skin in goosebumps. “Shifters aren’t shy about nudity. Come on. I know you can do it. I dare you.”

“You first.”

I didn’t know why I said that. He was already happily in the process of getting naked, with no qualms about it. But my anxiety was battling hard against my defenses.

He smirked and slowly stripped in front of me, and I couldn’t help but enjoy the little show. My core clenched at the memory of having him deep inside me, and any moment now, I would be drooling. My wolf started batting at me, wanting more.

Before I could say anything, Ridge bent over, and black fur rose on his skin. He shifted slowly and elegantly, like he was performing an interpretive dance. The transition didn’t take more than a few seconds, but it would probably have been faster if he wasn’t easing me into shifting. It was fascinating to watch. Elegant. Peaceful.

I stared at the massive black wolf with shining silvery gray eyes and a luscious coat that made my hands itch to pet and stroke. He was the most exquisite creature I had ever seen.

The beauty in which he’d shifted stumped me. Due to how painful my two shifts had been, I’d thought it was hideous and violent, but Ridge made it look anything but that. It was flawless.

The wolf got playful and nipped at the corner of my shirt, and his tail stood tall and bushy as he bounced his front paws at me. The playfulness had me giggling. Envy trickled in me when I looked into his eyes and saw Ridge was fully present within the wolf. There was no way I’d have that kind of control, but Ridge did.

He stepped forward and nuzzled his head into my stomach, and I petted him. His fur was the softest thing I’d ever touched. I wanted to curl up in it.

My heart slowed down, and my courage won its battle over anxiety. Ridge had succeeded in slaking my panic. Now I wanted to give it a try.

I stepped back and slowly took off my clothes. Ridge sat and watched me, and it was Ridge watching me, not some unthinking monster. The nerves I’d had at the thought of stripping in the woods melted away. I was comfortable and concentrated on bringing my wolf to the forefront of my mind.

Nothing happened. I called out to my wolf, asking her to come out, but she wouldn’t respond. She was nowhere to be found. Disheartened, my shoulders slumped. I’d pushed her down and locked her away for so long that I didn’t know how to communicate with her.

Anger and frustration with myself had me throwing on my clothes as I held in the tears that I couldn’t believe wanted to be shed.

“This was stupid. I’m done. This was such a mistake. I’m a broken mess and will always be that way. I don’t even know why I wanted to try this.”

Ridge growled sharply, raising the hackles on the back of my neck.

My wolf launched herself from out of nowhere, leaping painfully to the surface, and she took complete control of my mind and body. Panic ate away at me before darkness overtook me once again.

I groggily became conscious as a wet tongue licked my face. Fear jolted me, and I became fully present. I was curled beside Ridge’s wolf, and he licked me again. I glanced down, and my hands were paws, and the woods were brighter—I could see clearer than before. I heard movement rustling in the trees. The night air brushed against my fur. Ridge’s scent was potent and consuming.

I was in wolf form, and I was there with her.

Excitement bubbled inside me and formed a massive ball of energy.

Ridge leaned down and licked at me again, and then he took off running. My wolf and I rushed after him. There was no way we were going to let him get away.

I chased after him, and we ran for a while. I had no idea how far, but it was an exhilarating experience. I wanted to feel more of it. The way my senses cataloged and absorbed everything was incredible.

The wolf still held most of the control. She was still bloodthirsty, and there was a violence that crackled beneath the surface. I feared it. And then it dawned on me… my wolf wouldn’t be like this if I’d treated her right from the beginning.

My heart keened with despair, and I wanted to apologize, but I didn’t know how. I didn’t know what I could do to fix this significant injustice to such a divine and beautiful creature.

Ridge came back to me and licked my face, then turned us around. After some self-reflection, I realized he’d guided us back to the clearing, where he shifted easily and beautifully.

My wolf was annoyed, and I found I couldn’t shift back. Ridge spoke to my wolf and me with his soothing voice as he softly petted my pelt. With his coaxing, the wolf finally relinquished her hold after I promised we’d do this again, that I’d make sure she’d run and be free again.

It wasn’t painful to shift back, but it wasn’t smooth and fluid like Ridge’s shift, either. As soon as I was entirely in my body, I was racked with tears and gasping.

Ridge let me cry all over him. I hated myself for thinking my wolf was a monster and that she was something to be caged.

“Ridge, I was cruel. I was so cruel. I’ve been treating her so badly. I turned her into something angry and broken. I stole her chances of being free. I caged her. I’m so horrible.”
