Page 111 of Bragg's Match

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“My turn,” Riley says. “Why isn’t it your fault?”

“Hold on. He hasn’t answered my question yet,” Miller points out.

“Go on.” Riley nudges me. “Answer the man’s question.”

I glare at him. “You’re my twin. You’re supposed to be on my side.”

He snorts. “The same way you were on my side when things with Moon went tits up.”

“Not fair. Things with Moon went tits up because you were an idiot. I’m not an idiot. I didn’t do anything wrong except love Soleil.”

“Why did Soleil break up with you?” Peace asks.

I wag my finger at him. “It’s not your turn to ask questions yet.”

“I concede my question to him,” Riley says.

“Me, too,” Miller agrees.

Elder motions toward me. “Go ahead. Answer the question.”

“I’m sure you already know the answer. The whole town knows by now. Soleil came home and the fire department was there. She thought I was trying to pull a prank and accidentally started a fire.”

Peace shakes his head. “Haven’t you learned not to play with fire yet?”

“I wasn’t playing with fire. The gossip gals distracted me from my cooking and the croutons burnt. The smoke alarm went off. That’s it. End of story.”

“Did you tell Soleil this?” Peace asks.

I don’t remind him it’s not his turn yet. If we do this the proper way, I have to drink a shot for every question posed whether I answer it or not. Considering all the pranks I’ve played on my brothers, I know better than to be around them when I’m passed out drunk and they’re sober.

“She wouldn’t let me speak. Seeing River in his fireman gear reminded her of her shed burning down and she freaked.”

“I can’t blame her there.”

Neither can I, which is why I let her kick me out without too much of a fight. She needed to calm down but there was no way in hell I was saying the words ‘calm down’ in front of her. I’m not an idiot.

“Did you show her the shed?” Elder asks.

“I didn’t get the chance.”

His brow furrows. “The shed’s been done for weeks now.”

“I wanted to make it an event. Thus, the fancy dinner.”

Riley taps his chin as he studies me. “You’re afraid to show her the shed. Why?”

I scowl. “I’m not afraid.”

“Yeah, you are. Tell the truth or Miller’s punching you.”

Miller grins as he cracks his knuckles.

“Now, hold on a minute. These questions and how you’ve asked them bear no resemblance to truth or punch whatsoever. I’m not letting Miller punch me just because you’ve decided it’s okay.”

Peace shrugs. “We’re streamlining the process.”

“I believe you have the words streamlining and steamrolling confused.”
