Page 125 of Bragg's Match

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I swallow my sigh as I watch how wonderful a father Damon is with Skye. For someone who had a five-year-old dumped on his doorstep a few months ago, he’s taken to fatherhood like it’s his calling.

“How about you, LH? Are you ready?” Damon asks.

“Me?” I point to myself. “I’m not going to the party.”

“Yes, you are.”

I stand and back away with my hands raised. “I didn’t agree to this.”

He frowns. “You agreed to be my in-home nanny and care for my child. I need you to care for my child.”

“But you’ll be with her at the party. It seems a bit ostentatious to bring me as well.”

I’m not only refusing to go because it’s a party in Winter Falls where everyone hates me. I do believe what I’m saying. Bringing a nanny to a party is a bit over the top.

“My brothers are going to discover I have a child for the first time. I don’t want Skye to be forgotten about while I deal with their bullsh— bologna.”

Fiddlesticks. He’s right. Damon has kept the existence of Skye a secret from his family for the past few months. They are going to lose their minds when they find out.

“Fine. I don’t like it. But fine.”

“Yeah!” Skye cheers. “Nanny Love is coming to the party.”

“Are you ready to leave?” Damon asks me.

“I need a minute to prepare Skye’s bag.”

“We’ll wait outside by the car.”

I wait until the door closes behind him before collapsing on the bed. This is bad. No, not bad. Bad isn’t a strong enough word to convey what a shit show this is going to be.

The people of Winter Falls are going to lose their ever-loving minds when they discover I’m the caretaker for Damon’s daughter. I’m going to lose my job. I clutch my chest as fear rolls through me.

I wish I was exaggerating. I admit I’m prone to dramatics but in this case, I’m not being a drama queen. I wouldn’t put it past Sage to call child services to have me banned from ever being in Skye’s presence again. This day sucks.

But I’m not going to hide in this bedroom all scared. Been there. Done that. Didn’t help the situation one iota.

I stand and march to the suitcase in the corner of the bedroom. We’re staying in a hotel in White Bridge, one town over from Winter Falls, while Damon gets up the courage to tell his family about Skye. Is it wrong to wish he didn’t find the courage? Probably.

I put together a bag of essentials before squaring my shoulders and walking out of the room to the parking lot. Damon already has Skye strapped in the back seat when I arrive.

“There’s no reason to be stressed,” he says as he accepts the bag from me and places it in the trunk. “My brothers are assholes, but they won’t run you out of town.”

I’m not worried about his brothers. I force a smile and nod before settling in the passenger seat for the thirty-minute drive to Winter Falls.

Neither of us speaks during the drive. It’s not awkward, though, as Skye prattles away from the backseat. She doesn’t appear to notice our lack of response.

“Where does Soleil live?” Damon asks when we arrive in Winter Falls.

“Turn left here,” I say as I direct him to the house where his brother Brody and his girlfriend are having a baby shower. I inhale a deep breath to center myself.It’s not a big deal, Love.People have babies all the time. Just not me. Never me.

We park across the street from Soleil’s house. My hands tremble as I release my seatbelt. Fortunately, Damon doesn’t notice as he’s already up and out of the car to help Skye.

He opens my door and holds out his hand. “Come on. We’ll do this together.”

I grasp his hand like it’s a lifeline. We don’t make it two steps before his mom, Daisy, rushes toward us.

“Damon! I didn’t expect you.” Her brow furrows as she realizes he’s not alone. “With a small child and woman. What’s going on?”
