Page 126 of Bragg's Match

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“Mom,” he greets and kisses her cheek. He nods to his mom’s fiancé. “Lennon.”

“What’s going on?” she repeats her question.

“I’ll explain everything inside.”

“You’ll explain everything this minute.”

“I don’t want to tell the story multiple times.”

Lennon nudges her. “He’s right, Petal. Let’s go inside where he can explain everything.”

She growls at him. “You’re siding with him?” She huffs and rushes inside the house with him chasing after her.

“This is going to be fun,” Damon mumbles.

“It’s a party, Daddy. Parties are fun,” Skye explains.

He tweaks her nose. “Yes, they are, baby girl.”

I clutch his hand as we walk toward the house.

“Go on. No one’s going to bite you,” he encourages at the doorway and I step inside the house with him.

“About damn time,” Brody says.

Elder glares at him. “You knew about this?”

Brody snorts. “As if you can keep a secret from me.”

“Welp. I guess we can add Damon’s name to the babysitting pool,” Ashlyn announces.

“I have some explaining to do,” Damon begins.

Chapter 40

I thought women loved surprises. ~ Message from Brody to the Bragg brothers


Ihear the vacuum cleaner running as I step onto the porch and sigh. Soleil shouldn’t be cleaning in her condition. But I know better than to say anything.

I already made that mistake once. Never again. Being chased by a pregnant woman with a broom is not on my list of adventures I want to repeat.

“Soleil!” I greet when I open the door.

She switches off the vacuum and wipes a hand over her brow. I frown. She’s sweating. She shouldn’t be sweating. She should be relaxing.

“How are you and little Palpatine doing today?”

She scowls at me. “We are not naming our child Palpatine.”

At least it’s our child today. An improvement over yesterday when it was my child since she had indigestion and couldn’t sleep.

“But we can use the nickname Palpy.”

She shivers. “It reminds me of pap smear. No.”

“I’ll work on it.”
