Page 22 of Bragg's Match

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I’ll suggest this at the next town meeting. I’m certain everyone will agree with me. I’m a genius.

I reach the library and try the front door. Huh. It’s locked. I bang on it but it doesn’t open and no one comes running to assist me with my book emergency.

No worries. I’ll climb in through a window. I’m excellent at climbing through windows.

I bound down the stairs and round the building. I stop when I discover a window at shoulder height. Perfect.

“Brody Bragg, what are you doing?”

I whirl around. I wave when I recognize my half-brother. “Hey, Peace! Can you give me a boost?”


“Peace. Why are we saying each other’s names? Is this some kind of game? Am I winning?”

He huffs. “Brody, what do you notice about the clothes I’m wearing?”

I scrunch up my nose. “Why are you wearing clothes? It’s hot outside. I wouldn’t wear any clothes if I were you.”

“It’s raining.”

I glance up and drops of rain hit me in the face. “You are correct, sir. It is raining. Give the man a badge for his observation skills.” I clap.

Peace clears his throat. “I meant. Did you notice I’m wearing my uniform?”

I squint at him. Yep, he’s in uniform all right. Peace is a police officer in Winter Falls. I chuckle. It never fails to amuse me how a man named Peace is a peace officer.

“And, because I’m in uniform, I’m on duty.”

“Ah, gotcha. You don’t have time to give me a boost. Never mind, officer. Off you go.” I wave him away and return to the dilemma of how to open the window.

I study it. I bet if I push hard enough, it’ll open. Easy peasy.

I lift my hands, but someone grabs my wrist and pulls me away. I bat the person away.

“Oh, it’s you, Peace. I thought you left.”

“You thought I left?”

“Duh. You’re working. I understand you don’t have time to help me. I won’t hold it against you.”

He drags me away from the window. I yank my hand out of his hold. “What are you doing?”

“I’m ensuring you don’t commit a crime on my watch.”

“Commit a crime? What crime would I be committing?” I glance down at my body. “Is it because I’m naked?”

“You were literally trying to break into the library in front of me.”

“You can’t break into a library. Libraries are for the people.” I pound my chest with a fist before raising it in the air.

“Nevertheless. I’m going to have to issue you a formal warning.”

“A formal warning? I’m your brother. You wouldn’t issue me a warning, would you?”

Peace rubs a hand down his face. “I’m issuing you a warning because you’re my brother.”

“Pig! You’re issuing me a warning because I’m your brother! What the hell?”
