Page 29 of Bragg's Match

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“I guess you’re stuck with me.”

She studies me. “What about buying a house? Are you amenable to the idea?”

I’d rather build my own. I already have my eye on the plot of land. I can’t buy it yet, though. There are no secrets in Winter Falls and I’m not ready for my family to learn about my business. Soon.


“Never mind,” she cuts me off. “You obviously don’t have enough money for a down payment.”

Those words pierce my heart and I stumble. I have to grab hold of the kitchen counter before I fall. I know my brothers think I’m worthless. I didn’t realize Soleil thought the same.

She waves her hand at me. “I mean obviously. If you had the cash, you’d already have bought a house.” She narrows her eyes at me. “Wouldn’t you?”

I don’t want to lie. “Maybe,” I hedge. “If it was a nice house.”

“It doesn’t matter. The house for sale is way out of your price range anyway.”

I know the house she means. It’s not out of my price range. It’s actually on the lower end of what I want to spend. But I’m not discussing money with Soleil. I want her to want me for me. Not my money.

I grin. “You really are stuck with me.”

She drums her fingers on the counter. “There must be some other solution. Explain to me why you can’t live with one of your brothers again.”

Crap. The last thing I want to do is explain how I don’t want to live with one of my brothers because I’m not ready for them to learn about my business. Elder never paid attention to my work, but I can’t be certain my other brothers will be as uninterested.

A little white lie won’t hurt, though. Especially if it’s based on the truth.

“All of my brothers are paired up with your friends. Don’t get me wrong. I’m happy for them, but the last thing I want to do is hear one of my brothers having sex.”

Soleil makes a face.

“It’s bad enough I walked in on Elder and Harmony making out. Their clothes were on, but they weren’t staying on for long.”

“Except you purposely disturbed them.”

She’s not wrong. But what kind of brother would I be if I didn’t tease my siblings?

“I wouldn’t use the word ‘purposely’.”

“You saw them through the front window and barged into the house anyway.”

“I needed to go to the bathroom.”

“And you can only go to the bathroom at Elder’s house?”

“It’s the only toilet I know isn’t rigged with a prank.”

She wags her finger at me. “Not an excuse since you’re the one who rigs the toilets for pranks.”

“Let’s not focus on the details.”

“The details such as how no one is safe going to the bathroom in Winter Falls?”

I smirk. “I can’t help it if I’m a genius at what I do.”

“Being a genius at toilet pranks is nothing to be proud of.”

I was actually referring to my gaming software company but anytime I bring up my games she scowls in disapproval. Which is a kick in the nuts if I’m being honest.
