Page 47 of Bragg's Match

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“Nope.” Brody shakes his head. “I’m not allowing you to accept responsibility for a fire you didn’t cause.”

“You’re not allowing me?” I hiss at him. “You don’t own me, Brody Bragg.”

“Pixie, I don’t want to own you, but I do want you to let me in.”

River clears his throat and I glance over at him. “We’ll gather up our equipment and gear and be out of here within the next five to ten minutes.”

“Thanks, River.” I fling myself at him. “Thanks for saving my house.”

He pats my back. “You’re welcome.”

I release him. “And I promise not to tell anyone about you-know-what. I would never reveal someone’s secret.”

“I expect you to babysit.”

I ignore the burn in my stomach –I’m not jealous of my friends. I’m not jealous of my friends– and force a smile on my face. “Of course. Whenever you need me, I’ll be there.”

“You’ll need to stay away from the shed until we finish our investigation.”

I scowl. “Stay away from the shed? What about my pottery?”

“I hate to say this but there’s nothing left.”

“Not one single piece?”

“Sorry.” He pats my shoulder before strolling off to where the rest of the firefighters are rolling up hoses and picking up gear.

“What am I going to do? I have orders to fill. I can’t survive off the earnings of my knitted vibrator covers and honey products.”

Brody wraps an arm around my shoulders and draws me near. “I got you. I can cover the expenses for a few months while you rebuild.”

“I don’t want you to spend all your savings on me.”

“I’ve got the money. Don’t worry.”

I twist my neck to look up at him. “You do? Since when.” But then I remember. “Oh, right. You have a trust fund from when your dad passed away.”

“Yeah. Sure. The trust fund.” He glances away as if he’s lying. “You need your sleep. You have a lot to deal with.”

“I need to phone the insurance company, I need to purchase a new kiln, I need to contact all my customers who—”

He places a finger over my lips. “Tomorrow. Rest first.”


“It’s after midnight. You can’t call anyone now anyway.”

Damn. He’s right. “Fine. Bed it is.”

Chapter 17

When did Soleil install curtains in her bedroom? ~ Message from Sage on the Winter Falls Facebook page


Iusher Soleil into the house.

“Go on,” I say as I nudge her toward the bedroom. “Get ready for bed. I’ll check the house is locked up.”
