Page 51 of Bragg's Match

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Chapter 18

How do I change my bet about Project Cub? ~ Message from Eden on the Winter Falls Facebook page

Isnuggle into my pillow. No, not my pillow. Brody. The man who showed me how good sex can be last night. Talk about a dark horse.

Holy multiple orgasms! I wouldn’t mind hopping on this particular dark horse for another ride. But I can’t. Brody isn’t for me. He needs someone to mother him and I don’t have the bandwidth to add a partner to the list of people I take care of.

Brody squeezes my hip. “What are you thinking about so hard this early in the morning?”

“My pottery shed, insurance, clients. My whole life falling apart.”

I actually wasn’t thinking of any of those things. I sure the hell am now, though. Holy crap. What am I going to do?

He rolls on top of me. “Don’t worry, Soleil. We’ll figure it out.”

“We? There is no we.”

I shove at him. He scowls but rolls off of me.

“I thought our status changed after last night.”

I glare at him. “I told you it was just for last night.”

“Our chemistry is off the charts. I vote we explore where this goes.”

I can’t deny the chemistry comment, because he’s right. The two of us in bed together was explosive. But it can never be more.

“Good thing I have veto power because we are not exploring anything.”

“Why am I not surprised?”

“Maybe because I’ve been telling you from day one, I don’t want you.”

He snorts. “You want me. But you don’t want to want me.”

“Whatever,” I mumble as I climb out of bed.

I feel vulnerable being nude in front of him after telling him I don’t want more from him, but I refuse to let it bother me. I grab a t-shirt from the drawer and put it on.

“There’s something you should know.”

I pause at the entrance to the bathroom. “What?”

“I didn’t use a condom last night.”

I whirl around to face him. “What?”

“I didn’t use a condom last night,” he repeats.

“What the hell, Brody? This is why we can never have a relationship. You’re immature and selfish.”

He springs out of bed and stalks toward me. “I think I proved I’m not immature or selfish last night.”

I keep my gaze firmly planted on his face. I will not look down. I will not look down. “Except you didn’t use a condom.”

“I could have lied. I could have kept it to myself and never told you. But I didn’t.”

He has a point, but I’m not done being angry. “You never asked me if you could enter me bare.”
