Page 65 of Bragg's Match

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I stomp into my house, ready to lay into Brody, but freeze when it becomes clear what the noise is.

“What are you doing?”

Brody glances up from the vacuum cleaner and smiles at me. He speaks but I can’t hear him over the vacuum.

“What?” I shout.

He switches off the vacuum. “Welcome home, Soleil.”

“What did you break?”

His forehead wrinkles. “What did I break?”

“You must have broken something. Why else are you cleaning?”

“I’m cleaning because you don’t have time to.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “You didn’t break anything?”

“Nope. Now, have you eaten?”

“Have I eaten? Did you seriously ask if I’ve eaten?”

He checks his watch. “It’s after seven. Did you get something to eat with Moon at the diner before you came home?”

“Did I eat at the diner?”

“Let me put this away and then I’ll heat up some food for you.”

“Heat up some food for me?”

Why am I repeating everything he says? Probably because nothing he’s saying makes sense. He’s going to feed me?

“Don’t look so surprised. Do you think the food fairies have been leaving you food in the refrigerator for the past week?”

I shrug. “I assumed you bought the food from the diner.”

“Did you notice any take-out bags?”

I roll my eyes. “This is Winter Falls. There are no take-out bags. If you want to buy food to bring home, you need to bring your own dishes.”

“I haven’t been buying food from the diner. I’ve been cooking.”

“You’ve been cooking?”

“Yes.” He smiles. “And you’ve been eating the food I made. Unless you threw it away.”

I wag my finger at him. “You don’t throw food away in Winter Falls.”

His nose scrunches. “I don’t know. I threw away the first batch of chocolate chip cookies I made when they burnt to a crisp.”

“They still should have gone on the compost pile.”

He nods. “Lesson learned. No throwing food away. Even when you have to douse it with water to prevent a fire.”

I groan. “I’m glad I wasn’t here.”

“I promise there wasn’t a fire. And the next batch was way better. In fact,” he scratches his chin, “I couldn’t find the remaining cookies when I woke up the next morning.”
