Page 66 of Hollow Stars

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I know that I was stupid. I know, I know, I know. But I just wanted to know. I hadto know. How else could I know what it was like to be a zombie if they couldn’t tell me? They couldn’t tell me anything. Adam learned to understand words and commands, but he never repeated them. He never said anything other than groans and howls.

It didn’t seem like a terrible idea when I did it. I mean, of course it did. But it seemed worthwhile. Madame Bovery died of radiation poisoning. Sometimes people have to give everything, even their whole bodies, to advance science and life for the rest of humankind.

No. Not Madame Bovary. Madame Curie. Marie Curie. Marie.

144 August

My name is Sage Boone,Phd. I no I donn’t have much time left in my head. Itsssss going like a buzzing like thoughts are bees and they buzz



I am looozing myself, and it’s worse than I knew. Pain was what scared me before, but that’s not the worsrt.

The worst is saying goodbye to myse;f.

I am sorry, Nova. This was wrong and dumb.


I miss you, I love you, I’m sorry







Everyone was inconsolable, and I had no idea what to do.

“There was a pet zombie on the property, and you never told us?” Kimber shouted at me.

She’d come running when Harlow started screaming, and her initial concern turned to anger after I told her what had happened.

“She’s not a pet, and it’s complicated.” I held my hand palm out, trying to placate Kimber while her eyes blazed. “Can you please take Harlow into the house, and we’ll talk about it later?”

“You bet we’ll fucking talk,” Kimber snapped, but she immediately softened when she turned to Harlow, slipping her arm around her shoulder and murmuring words of comfort.

While they went inside, I made my way over to where Nova was still in the field, crying over her sister’s body. Frost had really done a number on Sage, and blood and viscera stained the grass all around.

“Nova,” I said softly as I approached.

Her back was to me, and she stopped crying long enough to ask, “Can you put the wolfdogs in their enclosure? I know they were only doing what they were supposed to, but I can’t be around them right now.”

“Yeah, of course,” I said. “Do you need anything? Do you want help… with Sage?”

“No. I need to take care of her myself,” Nova said flatly.

“I’m sorry. I know how much you cared about her.”

More harshly, she said, “I need to be alone for now.”
