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“Come again?”

“Nothing. Now what do I do?”

“All right, make sure your thumb is in the center...good. You’re going to drag the bow across the strings and use your elbow...”

She walked him through the steps. Each note he played made her inwardly wince even as she pasted an encouraging smile on her face. “Good.”


She laughed. “A terrible one. Here...” She walked behind him and laid her hand over his. The warmth of his bare skin beneath her palm made her tense. “Lay the bow on the D string. And then pull with your elbow...”

A rich sound filled the air for a second.

“See! You can do it.”

He glanced over his shoulder, one eyebrow arched in amusement. “I get credit for that?”

“You do.”

Suddenly she realized just how close her lips were to his. One slight move and...

Stop!her rational mind screamed.Don’t be a fool!

“Well,” she said in what she hoped was a much cooler voice as she stood and moved away, “it’s late.”

He stood, gently laying her cello inside the open case, his back to her. She yanked her eyes away from his broad shoulders and moved to the window, wrapping her arms around her middle as if she could protect herself from this ridiculous attraction.

“It is.”

She saw him appear once more in the glass. Even if she hadn’t seen him, she would have felt him, that warm, rich scent that reminded her of spiced whiskey teasing her as he moved so close, she could feel the heat of his body on her back.

“Miss Grey...”

She closed her eyes at his formal address. How could he have missed her ridiculous reaction to him? Was he going to tell her to leave? Fire her?


He gripped her shoulders and spun her around. One arm wrapped around her waist and dragged her against him, his body like steel beneath his clothes. The other hand slid up her neck, dislodging the loose knot and sending her hair cascading past her shoulders.

“Evolet,” he said again, her name sounding like both a prayer and a curse on his lips, “if you don’t want this—”

She surged forward, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him. He froze for a moment before his fingers tightened in her hair and he groaned. He anchored her head, plundered her mouth. Her breasts swelled against his chest. She wanted, so badly, to have his hands on her bare skin, to see him without the barriers of clothing.

As if he’d read her mind, he swept her into his arms and carried her over to his desk. He sat her on the edge and moved between her thighs with a confidence that stole her breath. His lips returned to hers, sending spiraling shoots of heat through her veins. One hand moved to her back, and she dimly heard the hiss of her zipper, felt the cool air kiss her back.

“Dear God,” he whispered. “You’re not wearing a bra.”

Insecurity flitted across her senses, leached away some of the heat.

“I didn’t not wear one on purpose. My, um, breasts aren’t that big, and the dress has a built-in—”

“You’re babbling again,” he said with a smile that managed to be both wicked and carefree. It surprised her so much that she stopped talking long enough for him to lower his head and capture a nipple in his mouth.

Sensation exploded, spread like vines twining over her skin, binding her to the point of pleasure as his tongue swirled over her, teeth lightly scraping. Seeing his dark head against her breast sparked a carnality that drove her to the edge of her control. She teetered on the edge, wanting so much more, scared to take even a drop of what was being offered. If he could arouse her like this, with just a look, a kiss, a touch, what would happen if she were to fully surrender? Sex with Damon wouldn’t just be sex. He would demand everything: heart, mind, body and soul.

His hands tightened on her waist. Her head fell back, and he placed a soft kiss at the base of her neck where her pulse throbbed before trailing his lips down again. She let him push her gently down until she was stretched across his desk, her dress pulled down to her waist, her hair spreading out around her head.

With his hands and mouth working erotic magic on her skin, the ache she’d shoved away after their night together rising to the surface demanding relief, surrender suddenly didn’t sound like a bad thing.
