Page 68 of Overture

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I follow right behind her, and we start combing the beach in search of a runaway teenager.




Cooper’s idea of Penny coming to the ocean is good, but the task becomes daunting as we approach the boardwalk and see the throng of people we’ll need to wade through. I don’t have much time to think about it because he grabs my wrist and pulls me along, weaving in and out of people on bicycles, families pushing strollers, roller skaters, and people walking their pets, enjoying the early evening on the beach.

“How are we going to find her with all these people? It’s going to be like finding a needle in a haystack.” The more we walk and have to dodge out of the way of people, the more discouraged I get.

“You’re right. Penny wouldn’t be on the boardwalk.”

I’m about to ask him what he’s talking about, but then we veer to the right and start heading toward the water. There are significantly fewer people on the beach than on the boardwalk. Hopefully, this strategy works.

Walking on sand is slow, and I’m not exactly dressed for a walk on the beach. After a few minutes, we have to stop so I can take off my shoes. High heels and sand do not mix.

“Do I need to carry you too?” Cooper smirks.

“Do I need to kick your ass?”

He laughs and shakes his head as he grabs my hand, kisses the back of it, and pulls me along with him. With Cooper’s hand wrapped around mine, my shoulders relax. My hands stop shaking. My breaths come slower and steadier. His solid presence chases away the nerves twisting my stomach into knots.

After about fifteen minutes and nothing, we’re about to head back to the boardwalk to circle around when Cooper stops and points at someone sitting in the shade of a palm tree about thirty yards away. Sure enough, I can see the long brown hair blowing in the breeze and instantly know it’s Penny.

“So what do we do now? Do we approach her? Do we call somebody? What is the protocol when finding a runaway teen?” Cooper asks, excitement and anxiety edging his voice.

I don’t know the answer to any of those questions. I’ve never been in this position before, so everything from here on out will simply be instinct.

“We should talk to her. Or maybe just one of us should go so she isn’t spooked.”

Something close to fear crosses Cooper’s face, and I’m pretty sure I know who’s going to approach her.

“I don’t think...”

I pat his arm and start heading towards Penny. “Stay here. I’ll go talk to her. I’ll signal you when it’s OK for you to come over. Call Fiona.”

I don’t wait for a response and close the distance carefully. She’s sitting with her backpack open on her crossed legs and has her head down, writing in her notebook. In my head, I try to imagine the song she’s writing right now, but considering that I’ve realized today how little I know her, I can’t picture what she’s thinking anymore.

I stop next to the tree and watch her for a minute, not saying anything as I try to figure out what to say. I thought I knew Penny, but obviously, I was wrong.

It doesn’t take long, but she must sense the presence of somebody nearby because she looks up, and when she sees it’s me, she throws her notebook into her backpack and attempts to get up quickly to run away. I jump in front of her, blocking her path.

“Wait. Wait, it’s OK. I’m just here to talk to you.” I glanced around, ensuring I know precisely where Cooper is in case I need him, and see him anxiously awaiting not too far away. But out of Penny’s site. “I just want to talk, OK?”

She looks scared to death like the cornered animal she probably is. “Ms. Castle, you don’t understand. Please just let me go.”

“What don’t I understand, Penny? Tell me.” I try to keep my voice calm, steady, and not anxious like I’m feeling. “I’m here to help. I’m here to listen. Tell me what’s going on.”

That’s when her eyes meet mine, and I see the utter devastation. This girl is hurting, and it’s a pain I recognize.

“It was Ethan. It was all Ethan.”

“What was all Ethan?”

Tears start streaming down her face, and her long hair sticks to her cheeks. I’m tempted to reach out, but I don’t want to do anything to scare her off. I can see Cooper slowly approaching over Penny’s shoulder and switch my attention back to her.

“Everything,” she sobs, her shoulders shaking and her entire body trembling. “He used my e-mail to mess with you and Cooper. He’s the one who destroyed his guitar. And he’s the one that’s been buying you coffee every day. I thought he was trying to get close to me, but he was just using me.”
