Page 39 of Shattered Sun

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“Sweet fucking hell,” I mutter and shake my head. “No.”

“Oh, come on. Invite them. It’ll befun.” He waggles his brows. “I’d pay good money to see that measuring contest.”

“Yeah, you’ll be the first in line with the measuring tape.” I chuckle. “You’re ridiculous.”

“Don’t be a spoilsport. Invite them. When was the last time two men fawned over you? Plus, your construction buddy is probably missing Thanksgiving with his family.”

I don’t remember much about Ben’s parents except that they were kind, gentle people. The type of parents every child wishes for. Parents that love you unconditionally and without reservation.

An ache stirs in my chest at the idea of Ben being alone on a family holiday, especially after his recent breakup. Does he have plans for the holiday? Will he drive back to Smoky Creek to spend the day with family? Or is he staying in Stone Bay alone?

“You’re considering it, aren’t you?” Oliver nudges my arm with his.

I tilt my head and give him my best mean mug. “Have I told you recently how annoying you are?”

He sticks out his tongue. “You love me.”

“Sometimes,” I tease.

Without warning, he plants a sloppy, wet kiss on my cheek. “Always.”

I shove him away. “Ew. Gross.” I playfully slap his arm and laugh at his antics. “Come on, let’s go.”

“Say yes.” Oliver fetches his hoodie and tugs it over his head.

I slip on my jacket and shoulder my purse. “You’re not giving this up, are you?”

“Nope.” He turns the handle on the back door and steps out. “Not until you say yes.”

The door slams and locks behind me as I cross my arms over my chest and shiver. Oliver bounces from foot to foot but doesn’t take a step toward our cars.

Such a pain in the ass sometimes.But it’s one of the reasons we all love him.

The likelihood of Ben saying yes is much higher than Travis. Cops don’t get holidays off. The town and its residents still need protection. My guess is Travis will either be patrolling town, sitting at his desk trying to find the killer, or at the Emerson estate with his family. Ben will either drive back to Smoky Creek for the day or be alone in his room at the inn.

With a smile plastered on my face, I say, “Fine, I’ll ask them tomorrow when they come in.”

Oliver goes wide-eyed. He opens his mouth to respond, but I hold up a hand.

“But only if you ask Levi to Friendsgiving.”

His expression falls. How Oliver feels about Levi is no secret to me, Skylar, or Delilah. He hasn’t come out and confessed he is in love with Levi, but we aren’t oblivious to the way he looks at Levi when his attention is elsewhere.

Oliver shoves his hands in his hoodie pocket. “Yeah, sure.” He nods. “He is my friend, after all.” We amble toward our cars in silence. His eyes lose focus as he stares at his car door, lost in thought.

Since high school, Oliver has been in love with Levi. Anyone with a heart can see the way he pines over him. The subtle glances that last a little longer. His constant desire to hang out with him. The blinding, endless smile on his face when Levi comes to his shows. And the way he keeps Levi to himself, not sharing much of what happens between them or bringing him to gatherings often.

If only Oliver’s love was reciprocated. If only it was more than friendship. One day, my friend will find love and happiness—with or without Levi.

We hug and say goodbye at his driver’s side door. Then he’s in his car, a solemn expression on his face as he cranks the engine to life. As I open my car door, he drives off.

And that’s when I see it.



Her golden hairglitters in the sunlight as I stare at her from down the street. The shimmer gives her an ethereal look. Angelic. Divine.
