Page 40 of Shattered Sun

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But looks are deceiving.

She left the restaurant with the dark-haired kid, a smile plumping her cheeks. Did that little fucker give her my note? Her carefree expression says no, while her eyes, scanning every inch of the street, scream yes.

The past two days, she hasn’t walked to her car alone. No matter the time, she exits the door with someone at her side. After surveilling her for months, I imprinted her work routine in my memory. And the change in her usual habits pisses me off. Her time outside of work is less scheduled and harder to track, but I keep an eye on her when time allows. But if people continue to stealmytime, I may need to step up my game.

Did my note on the napkin scare her?

Skin pale and clammy, limbs trembling under my scrutiny, voice and breath shaky with fear…

Fuck, it makes me hard.

They stood outside talking until his face soured. Then he all but ran from her. Gave her a halfhearted hug and shut himself in his car.

What did she say to piss him off? Would it please me or piss me off too? Would I want to punish her?

My dick twitches in my pants at the idea of bruising her creamy skin.

Hidden behind a pickup truck, I gawk at her as she stands motionless, watching him speed off.

“Any second now,” I mutter, then suck my teeth.

Car door open, she tosses her purse inside. As she bends to slip behind the wheel, she pauses.

Thrill shoots through my veins as my heart thunders in my chest. I don’t dare look away as her eyes roam the parking lot, the sidewalk, the street.

The fact she doesn’t see me butknowsI’m close… My eyes roll back as I palm my cock.

Eyes on her, I rub the length of my dick through my pants as she plucks the folded paper tucked beneath her windshield wiper. I cup my balls as she unfolds the note and reads my message.

As she reads, I mentally recite.

I dream of your curves. Of my hands on your skin, my fingers bruising your tits and ass and cunt. I dream of my cock in your mouth, down your throat, choking you until your lips turn a pretty blue. In this dream, you beg for air, for help, for freedom. In this dream, I laugh and tell you I am your freedom, your salvation. And in this dream, you come to realize you are MY whore. You will always be MY whore. Only mine.

A green pallor blankets her face as a hand covers her mouth. The hand holding the note shakes uncontrollably.

My steel-hard cock begs for relief as fear consumes her. Precum leaks from my tip and dampens my jeans. I squeeze the tip of my cock and hiss as the denim chafes the skin.

She hops in her car, slams the door, and taps the steering wheel as she waits for the engine to warm up. A moment later, she eases out of the parking spot and drives toward the street. Stopping, she looks both ways, and I swear she spots me hidden behind the truck.

But her eyes shift too soon. If she’d seen me, we would have had a staredown for far longer.

Instead of turning left out of the lot, today she turns right. Fuck, I love when she keeps me on my toes.

“Time for a new game,” I mutter as she turns onto Opal Trail. “Can’t wait until we really play.”



I all butscream at the steering wheel as I stare at the entrance to the police station.

“Just stop already.”

I stare down at my hands in my lap and mentally will the tremors to cease. Implore my body to calm, if only for a moment, so I won’t appear the distressed damsel when I enter the police station. Curl my fingers into tight fists, close my eyes, and beg for more strength than I feel.

Funny thing about fear… no matter how strong you are, fear is always one step ahead. Regardless of what you have overcome, fear learns how to use that triumph against you.

Despite my resilience, despite my pleas, despite every ounce of willpower I summon, my hands continue to shake.
