Page 98 of Battle Lines

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Get your stuff and let’s go.

I refused when I was seven.

I refused to leave my mother or my sister.

“So I’m afraid no matter how tempting an offer you make me, Miss Benedict—and I would love tohaveyou. I’m afraid it’ll have to be Andrea.”

Her nails dug into my thigh and it all fell into place. Why today—why he had to justsharethis with her now.

“Or you could take me, and I’ll go in her place.” I slipped it out there and Mayhem jerked, her control faltering as she looked at me.

“Pretty Boy—”

“Shh,” I murmured, stroking her shoulder as I locked gazes with my father. “That’s what you want—isn’t it? Me?”

“Well, son,” he said as he leaned back in his chair. “I might be persuaded—still, you would have to prove your loyalty and I would need proof of it today.”

“Name it.”

“Perhaps we should take this conversation somewhere more private.”

Get your shit and let’s go.

Julius King locked gazes with me, ignoring Mayhem entirely. That was what he wanted. For me to get up and walk away from her.

Leave her.

Choose him.

“Give me one moment.” The words were out and King’s smile grew.

“Of course. I’ll be keeping count. One minute.” Then he rose, buttoning his jacket. “Miss Benedict.”

She went to stand, but I kept her there as he strode out of the box and Mayhem stared at me.

“Shh,” I said, pressing my finger to her lips before she could speak. I read every single objection in her eyes. “There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for my baby sister,” I whispered to her. “Nothing.”

Tears welled in her eyes.

“And I know damn well there’s nothing you won’t do for her either.” I stroked her face with my gaze, memorizing every bit of it. I pressed my lips to her forehead. “I’d do it for you too,” I said softly. “I will do thisfor you.”

“It means—”

“I know.” Then I kissed her, holding her lips prisoner for one last taste. It wouldn’t be the last, although it would have to hold me over for now.

“Milo—” She choked on my name and I stood.

“Thank you for the best birthday I’ve ever had.” Another touch to her cheek. “You stay safe.”

It was an order.

I pushed away from the table and strode out to where Karagiani stood. “Don’t let her out of your sight, and don’t let her follow.”

King waited for me just down the hall, his smirk in place as he glanced at his watch. I strode down the hall toward him and he clasped me on the shoulder. “Good boy,” he said. “You made the right choice for a change.”

I didn’t say a word as he led the way down the stairs. Nor did I dare look up to the box above where I left my heart.

There was before Mayhem, and then there was Mayhem.

This was my life.

* * *
