Page 12 of Kind of a Sexy Jerk

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“If you were mine, you’d be mine,” I hear myself say in a tone that does nothing to conceal how much I want to possess every inch of her.

Her lips part, and her breath comes faster. “You’d rip out the throats of any man who dared put his hands on me?”

“If they so much as looked at you too long,” I confirm. “But they wouldn’t. They’d take one look, see how satisfied you were, and get lost.”

“Satisfied in what way?” she asks, her fingers teasing against mine, making the situation below my belt even more uncomfortable.

“All your expectations would be met. And exceeded.” I don’t know why I’m playing this dangerous game, but I’m unable to stop myself for some reason. I guess I just want her to know how tempting she is, and how much I’d love to please her if the situation were different.

Her eyes flash with trouble and I instantly know I’ve taken things too far. Before I can backtrack, however, she whispers in the sexiest voice I’ve ever heard, “If I didn’t know better, Mr. McGuire, I’d think you were talking about making me come.”

And that’s it.

That’s the spark, the dangerous one I should have known better than to get too close to. I reach for her, but before I can wrap my arm around her waist, the sky opens up and cold rain floods down from the sky.

Nora gasps and grips my arms, but the fire of the moment has thankfully been extinguished.

For now.

“Get to the treehouse and dry off,” I shout over the increasingly loud raindrops battering the ground around us. “There are towels in a garbage bag under the bathroom sink. I’ll be back in thirty minutes or less.”

“Are you sure you don’t need help?” she asks, shielding her face from the rain as she begins to shiver.

“No, you don’t have a coat, let alone rain gear.” I turn up the hood on my own waterproof jacket. “Go. Get dry. I’ll be there soon. Remember not to let the cat out.”

“Okay, but be careful,” she says, backing toward the trail with her arms held overhead to block the worst of the storm. “Don’t get struck by lightning!”

“Too late,” I mutter beneath my breath as I turn in the opposite direction and jog toward the bunker.

A run in the cold rain should help get my head back in the right place. And if it doesn’t, I can always sleep in my SUV tonight. I’ve slept in worse places and nothing like freezing your ass off in a cold car to keep your mind on suffering instead of pleasure.

I can’t think of pleasure too much while Nora’s around.

That would be a good way to ensure this situation goes from bad to much,muchworse.

Chapter Five


One good thing about saying mortifying sex stuff to a man I’m still not sure likes me as more than a friend?

It really takes the edge off the whole “climbing a slick ladder in the freezing cold rain” anxiety that would usually have me shaking in my boots on the way up to Matty’s treehouse.

Though, now that I’ve seen this place, “treehouse” feels like a misleading word.

“Treehouse” brings to mind visions of primitive forts in the backyard and picnics in the sweaty heat of summer, during which my friends and I spent as much time batting away mosquitos and ants as eating our peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

This isn’t a treehouse like the ones I’ve known before. This is a cute little cottage hoisted into the air, complete with a kitchenette, a living area, and an adorable potbellied stove with a cozy fire already burning.

“And a view,” I murmur as I kick off my wet shoes by the door and wander slowly across the main room toward the large windows.

The trees on this side of the structure have been trimmed to reveal an unobstructed vista of the gorge, the river valley below, and softly rolling hills on the other side. Even in the rain, it’s stunning and oh-so-peaceful.

“I bet sunsets up here are something special,” I tell Clyde, who’s sprawled out on the old-fashioned rag rug in the center of the space, kneading the fibers with his claws as his eyes slide shut.

He’s clearly exhausted by the day’s events.

So am I, but I’m too soaked and chilly to lay down for a nap.
