Page 109 of The Bratva's Bride

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The sound of my gun cocking echoed through the pregnant silence.

“Sorry, he’s off the market ladies and gentlemen! I’m not really the sharing type. My stepmother here hasn’t really gotten the clue to not touch what’s mine.” I could see my stepmother stiffen at my words, and I could see the way her eyes darted around to see if anyone would come to her aid.

Keeping the gun firmly against her to remind her of who held the high ground, I chuckled softly with a victorious smirk. “I know you never did like your son in law, but even this is a new meaning to monster in law. Seriously? Selling him in a black market auction?” I chided, clicking my tongue and shaking my head softly.

The crowd stayed tensely silent as they stared at me with wide eyes. Soft murmurs slowly filled the air, fingers pointing at me and the cage.

“Guards!” Lady Qing shouted, her body jerking when I threw my arm out and wrapped it around her neck to hold her against me.

Smirking, I pressed the gun against her head more, digging into her temple as I did a quick sweep of the area lazily.

No guards were going to come to her rescue, they were all occupied at this point. Everyone else had pulled off their end of the plan smoothly. And I had taken out the few who were in my way when I entered the place. They weren’t dead, but they’re out for the count.

“Guards!” The desperation in her voice was amusing.

I wanted to laugh when my stepmother’s face filled with hope at the movement of men from the shadows only to have it all shatter the moment she realized it wasn’t her men.

Nodding my head at Lev, I watched him say something to his men in Russian. Shortly after, three bound and struggling bodies were dragged before her.

A small gasp could be heard from her. “You wouldn’t.” Lady Qing glared at me out of the corner of her eye.

“You want to test that? There are worse things than death, don’t you forget that. Besides, after trying to kidnap me yesterday, what you did to my father, and what you tried to pull yesterday on top of kidnapping my husband and trying to sell him, you really think I’ll hold back when it comes to you, bitch? You took my father and mother away from me, and almost my husband, so it’s only fair that I take some things from you, no?” Taunting her and watching her squirm was too much fun to hold back the twisted smile from tugging at my lips.

“Y-your mother? How did you?” She lost her cards, no winning hand in any future for her.

“My father’s first wife had a son who just happens to be a detective. And we both figured it was too much of a coincidence that both our mothers met their end by a drunk driver who was never found. He probably would have remained hidden too if you didn’t arrange for me and Nikolai and gave me an endless reach of resources.” Finding the man who crashed into my mother’s car and seeing him dead was the closure I needed.

“The Volkov’s have a much farther and deeper reach than the Qing Triad. It only took some effort on Nikolai’s part to find and apprehend the slimeball that you hired to commit the vehicular homicide.” It was also very satisfying to see Nikolai end that man’s life on my whim.

Our relationship really was one made in hell. I never killed but married a killer who was more than happy to do the killing for me. All I had to do was point and say when and how. On the other hand, I handled the tedious business of torture and extraction of information for him. Nikolai had complained about how tasteless he found torture to be, so it was only fair that I contributed my fair share to our marriage.

“He squealed like a pig at the first threat, spilling all about how you paid him and provided the means to carry out both murders, how you told him to make sure that there were no survivors. Fortunately, for Greg and I, there were last minute changes that day so we were not in the car as we should have.” Otherwise, my brother and I would be six-feet under right now like how Lady Qing planned.

Greg’s existence went under Lady Qing’s nose because she thought he had died in the crash, and he was raised outside of our city. So, she never thought to search for him. A big mistake on her part.
