Page 108 of The Bratva's Bride

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“Bratok!” Never in my life have I ever been more relieved to hear Lev’s voice. “Tashchi svoyu zadnitsu syuda!”

Another gunshot rang out and one of the men who stood next to me dropped to the floor screaming in pain while holding his knee.

Looking over, I could see Angel standing there behind her stepmother with a smoking gun raised, her dark eyes sharp and locked onto the man she just shot.

With the opening, I jumped to my feet, ignoring the pain that ravaged my body from the sudden movement. Quickly, I scrambled over to the cage door where Lev reached through with a key in hand. The remaining three men snapped out of their stupor and rushed to me when Lev started to unlock my shackles.

“Blya, potoropis'!” I rushed my brother, not keen on wanting another beating with my arms and legs tied.

I shook the chains off my arms the moment I felt them slacken. Keeping a tight grip on the links, I quickly wrapped a bit of it around my right hand before throwing my fist out and catching the unlucky man who came too close to it. The man stumbled back, and the other two came at me swinging after sidestepping the man’s stumbling.

Raising my arms up, I blocked one and grabbed the other by his wrist, redirecting the punch to the man I blocked and catching the edge of his face. The man stumbled back a little after catching the punch with his face and glared at me.

With my grip still on the man’s wrist, I pulled him towards me and punched him—hard—in the gut, causing him to double over and smash his face into my knee that I had brought up.

Then, I twisted his arm behind him until I felt it give under the pressure. Seeing the awkward way the joint popped out, along with the man’s scream of pain, made it clear I had dislocated it—what I intended to do.

“Oof!” My breath choked out of me when the man slammed into me because the other two charged at us and slammed into us without a care to the man whose arm I just twisted out of its socket. The man was dead weight slamming into me, knocking the wind out of me when I became sandwiched against the metal bars.

My head rang along with the bars when one of the men grabbed my face and slammed my head back against the cage. “Shit!”

“Blyat'! I can’t get a clear shot!” Lev shouted with his gun in hand, bouncing from target to target.

Glancing over at Lev, I half shouted at him, “I’ll be fine, just stick to the plan.” Two and a half men against one of me was a fair fight now that I was no longer bound.

Throwing my arm out, I let the chain fly out and wrap around the neck of the man in front of me, ignoring the other two for now. One man was being blocked by an upheld arm while the other one—the one with the dislocated arm—held me against the cage by keeping himself anchored against my waist and hips. So, pulling the chain, I reeled the man towards me and used the momentum to bash my head into his face, making it more bloody.

With him dazed, I grabbed him by the shoulders and threw him into his buddy, causing his buddy to slam into the cage next to me. Using my opening, I threw my hand out and struck the bloody guy in the throat, making him back away—the rest of the chains sliding off my hand and going with the stumbling man.

I wasn’t worried about him anymore, the crushed windpipe I gave him would do him in sooner than later. Now to deal with one arm and the other man.

Turning my attention to the man next to me who was still recovering from being slammed into the metal bars, I pulled my arm back and clocked him in the face, making his head bounce against the cage. Throwing an arm across his chest, I held him against the cage. Twisting my body to adjust, I threw punch after punch after punch at him. My attack didn’t relent even when he started to hit back. The adrenaline pounding through my body made his attacks feel like nothing against my tense body.

He stood no chance against me, not when he was barely half my size. He was nearly as tall as me, but he lacked the muscular build. So, he lacked the power behind his punches.

My attack on him didn’t relent until his body went completely limp and his weight dragged him down to the ground from my hold. Then, my attention went to the man who remained anchored against me.

With a grunt, I brought my elbow down onto his back multiple times to get his grip to ease up enough so I could slide my arms between him and I. Once I managed that, I pried his arms off and shoved him away with a hard push. He was basically a dead man fighting me with one functional arm, the arm that’s about to be out of commission the moment I close in on him.

Smirking darkly, I slowly stalked up to the man whose eyes were darting around in panic. “What’s wrong? Don’t like the wolf outside its cage huh?” I chuckled deeply while wiping away a trail of blood that ran down my eye.

“H-hey man, I was just following orders.” His pathetic attempt fell on deaf ears because I really didn’t give a shit right now.

All I offered in response was a wicked grin before I charged at him and tackled him against the other side of the cage with a loud rattle, knocking the wind out of him. Then, I grabbed his good arm by the wrist and wretched it behind him when I spun him around and forced him to his knees. With a foot on his back, I pressed him down while pulling his arm until I felt it give and heard him scream. Only then did I let him go, watching as he fell to the ground with his mangled arms.

“Anyone else want to test me tonight?!” I shouted with a glare at the crowd.

No one dared to make a single sound, only looking at me with either wary or down turned eyes.

No one fucks with me or my family and gets away with it.

I might not be retaliating now, but every single one of these fuckers in the room would get their dues.

They crossed the wrong fucking person.

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