Page 113 of The Bratva's Bride

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“Hmm say it again a few times, it might start to grow on me.” She giggled against my lips, kissing me playfully.

“I’ll say it however many times you want.” I loved the sound of it, but I was biased. The thought of her having my last name stirred that possessive side of me awake. It was just another way for the world to know who she belonged to.

“You can fuck me later, we really have to eat dinner.” With a roll of her eyes, she patted the front of my pants where I began to strain against it. Before I could grab her and try to change her mind, she slipped away from me and darted over to the door.

It was hard to keep from talking business during the dinner party, but all of us managed to keep it at bay for now by talking about moments in our past. But some still managed to slip in.

Surprisingly, Stepan was the one to bring it up this time. “God, I can’t believe you thought Alexei and Angel would go behind your back like that. Granted, that was a nice trick they pulled, very well executed, I’ll have to give them that.” The recording that had been shown to me during my capture was quickly debunked when I’d gotten ahold of it from Natalia’s phone and showed the others.

Yes, it was Alexei and Angel I had heard in the recording, but it was taken way out of context. The recording had come from Benjamin, and he showed me the full recording when we were all trying to smooth the situation out. Apparently, Lev and Angel were sparring with each other and one wrong tackle landed Angel with a dislocated shoulder. In which Alexei was called in to fix.

“You’ll never have to worry about Angel and Alexei, not with Angel’s little rules of P with all the other nurses.” Hanna commented with a soft chuckle.

“Rules of P? The heck is that?” Alexei sounded genuinely curious, as with the rest of us I’m pretty sure. “And the heck does it have to do with Angel not dating me?”

I wouldn’t voice it, but I was genuinely curious and wanted to know about this little rule of hers. Although, I’m pretty sure the quizzical look on my face would make it clear to Angel I wanted answers along with everyone else who poked and prodded at her.

With a roll of her eyes, she chuckled softly before satisfying everyone with an answer. “It’s just a silly little made up rule by us nurses on who not to date. Basically, if their job title begins with a ‘P’ then don’t date them. So basically, the list so far: physicians, providers, policemen, paramedics, politicians, prisoners, psychos, and pfirefighters. Yes, firefighters but we added a ‘p’ in front because those guys are dangerous. Because let me tell you, I would gladly be a serial arsonist or petty criminal to have some of those guys come kicking down my door.”

Narrowing my eyes playfully at Angel, I questioned her with a knowing voice. “Oh really?” I shouldn’t be getting jealous and possessive, but I couldn’t help the little nagging tug at my chest when I thought about Angel eyeing other men lustfully. “Am I going to need to replace all the policemen and firefighters out there?” I half joked with a half serious smile. I would seriously replace them if it meant keeping my wife’s eyes on me only.

Giggling, she stuck her tongue out at me. “Oh please, the only man I need or want to look at is you. Besides, I already broke the rule by marrying you, so of course I am going to give you everything.” Angel grinned at me cheekily.

“How exactly does Kolya fit on that list?” Alexei asked with a raised brow.

“He would fit under psycho because, well, no sane person would ever willingly choose to be with me, let alone marry me, twice.” Well, she wasn’t wrong there. Any typical man would have ran for the hills or tried to get Angel tossed into a psych ward if they ever found out how crazy she was underneath all her sexiness.

Chuckling softly, Angel shook her head. “Can’t believe they put in so much effort to try and get you to agree to them. Still can’t believe they’re still in the wind either.” Angel said with a sigh, relaxing against me after she sat down in my lap.

Unfortunately, Ivan still gave us trouble and evaded our grasp. We’ve managed to shut down his incoming and outgoing shipments, but he still had a small operation based in the city itself that we have yet to discover and shut down. Natalia was still with us, locked away in a bunker until we revamped The Catacombs to our new holding and torture area.

Angel wasn’t too happy with waiting to get her hands on Natalia though. My little hellion wanted to tear the poor woman at the joints for laying her hands on me during my capture. She also wasn’t happy about not being able to kill Natalia because I figured we could try to use her to get Ivan, but I promised Angel that if it turned out to not be the case then Natalia’s life was hers to snuff out.

“We’ll get them eventually, but let’s not think more about that tonight on Kolya’s birthday. I say it’s time for presents to keep our mind off of things.” Stepan suggested with a smile, sliding over the first box of many in front of me.

A new car to replace the one that met its unfortunate end with Angel, a lot of high end liquor, and a brand new state of the art phone from Bao. One by one I opened the presents and set them aside until only one remained.

Angel eagerly handed me the box, the corners of her lips curling upwards uncontrollably in a smile. “What could you have gotten me?” I’ve never made any indication of wanting anything with her, and the box was too light to indicate that its content was more booze.

“Just open it and see for yourself. Don’t worry, you’ll love it.” An excited smile brightened her face as she looked at me lovingly, which only made me more curious about the contents of the box.

Carefully, I opened the small box, and I nearly dropped it when the contents flashed at me. “Lisichka.” I looked at her in disbelief as I held the little note and the strip of pictures.

Happy birthday dad!

See you next year!


Your boys

Besides the note and ultrasound pictures, there were two pairs of blue shoes, two onesies with the numbers 1 and 2 marked on the front, and a piece of paper with the concluding result of her pregnancy along with confirmation of the genders.

It seemed to have come as a surprise to everyone, just as it had to me, because they all crowded around me to look at the contents of the box with their own expressions of disbelief and excitement. Then, the endless congratulations patted my back and shoulders, and Angel was swarmed by tight hugs.

Everything just blurred by for me though as I was too busy in my own head. With a protective hand over Angel’s stomach, I held her close while smiling like an idiot.

We were going to be parents. I was going to be a father. The love of my life carried our children. Soon, she would grow round with our love, then we’ll have two little bundles in our arms. God, the thought of her getting bigger aroused me so much. I never understood it when men would say their pregnant wife is so sexy, but now that I had a pregnant wife, just the notion of her getting big and round with our combined love was a whole other feeling I couldn’t describe properly with words.
