Page 99 of The Bratva's Bride

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Stealing the gun from the man below me, I quickly shot at those who had their gun aimed in Angel’s direction, taking out two of the four before I was tackled to the ground by three men.

My struggle to throw the men off was cut short with a sharp prick to my neck.

Damn it.

My head grew heavy quickly as my vision faded into darkness. No matter how hard I tried to keep my focus trained on Angel, I couldn’t fight the heavy fog as it descended upon me.

At least my little vixen was safe. I faintly remember seeing her body disappear around the car before I blacked out completely.



My body felt so heavy, as if a sack of bricks sat on top of me. I had no idea how long I was out, and the dark place I woke up in didn’t have a window for me to gauge the time of day. The only light in the place was a flickering overhead lamp which dimly lit the place enough for me to make out my small concrete prison.

Groaning, I twist my groggy body into a sitting position. Any hope I had of breaking my restraints disappeared when I felt and heard the heavy chains clink with my movements. My hands were bound behind my back, and there were shackles around my ankles.

Whoever wanted me really didn’t want me to escape. They weren’t even giving me a sliver of a chance. “Blyat'.” I would have to wait for my captor to show up, see what they wanted, and try to talk my way out of this shit hole. Or at the very least, bide my time until help came.

It didn’t feel long until the sound of a heavy door creaking open snapped me out of limbo, but I couldn’t precisely gauged the amount of time I had zoned out because the lack of a clock.

I couldn’t help but curse at the unwelcomed sight of Ivan and his children. “Ty chertov ublyudok.” I highly doubted they were here to save me.

With a soft shake of his head, and a few ‘tut tut tut’ of his tongue, Ivan looked at me arrogantly. “Your mother should have taught you better. Such a mouth on you, don’t know if I want that near my dear Natalia.” Ivan spoke down to me like some parent scolding their child, which pissed me off.

“Well you’ll never have to worry about that because I’ll never go near her.” Even if I wasn’t married to Angel, I wouldn’t touch his daughter with a hundred foot pole, and that’s being generous. This woman was a damn grenade.

“That’s a rude way to talk about your future wife.” Igor scoffed with a twisted smirk, introducing his foot to my stomach harshly.

A sharp, wheezing cough squeezed at my throat from getting the wind knocked out of me. “Idi na khuy!” I squeezed out through my coughing fit. glaring up at Igor who still looked down at me with a stupid arrogant smirk like his father.

Gritting my teeth, I glared up at Igor who stared down at me with a stupid, arrogant smirk like his father.

After catching my breath, I let my face twist with a dark smirk which made me look a little crazy. “Take these fucking chains off, then we’ll see whose smiling.” My words made his tough guy image falter briefly before another kick was sent into my gut.

The feeling of Natalia’s hands on my face sent shivers—the bad kind—down my spine. “Stop it Igor! Just give him a chance.” I think I’d rather get kicked again ten times over than have her hands on me. “Kolyenka, you don’t have to pretend with that little halfling chink anymore, you can finally leave her, belong to me like how it’s supposed to be like our fathers wanted. We can overtake the triad, together. You don’t need some sham of a marriage to dig your nails into triad territory to pluck it.”
